Communication Control Toolkit Open Interfaces

CCT Soap-Based Open Interfaces

The Communication Control Toolkit (CCT) SOAP-based Open Interfaces are Web services hosted on the CCT Server. They allow third-party applications to access the underlying contact control functionality provided by Avaya Aura Contact Center, Avaya NES Contact Center or Avaya NES Contact Center Express, using any run-time server software that supports SOA web services.

The Web services provide a SOA-modelled API, with two levels of abstraction: Full and Lite. The Full and Lite APIs provide contact control functionality similar to that offered by the equivalent CCT .Net APIs - see the link to the Communication Control Toolkit .Net APIs topic under Related DevConnect Resources below for more information.

  • Full API: exposes all the functionality of the call model, and is typically used to create complex client- or CCT server-based applications. The Full API comprises the following services:
    - AddressService
    - AgentService
    - AgentTerminalConnectionService
    - AgentTerminalService
    - ConnectionService
    - ContactService
    - MetricsService
    - RoutePointAddressService
    - RoutePointConnectionService
    - TerminalConnectionService
    - TerminalService
    - UserService
    - NotificationProducer
    - NotificationConsumer
  • Lite API: offers a subset of the functionality provided by the Full API, and is typically used in rapid client- or simple CCT server-based solutions.

    The Lite API comprises the following services:

    - SessionService
    - NotificationProducer
    - NotificationConsumer
  • The Web services can optionally be configured to use TLS. Each service is defined in a WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) file. This WSDL is a machine readable description of the functionality being offered by the Web service. Various technologies can use the WSDL to interrogate the web service and create the relevant proxies to send and receive SOAP messages with the Web service.

The Open Interfaces CCT SDK incorporates:

  • API documentation.
  • Tutorial for creating a client using flex technology.
  • Full reference client with source code.
Important Notes Currently, for high-availability environments:
  • There is no fully automatic server-side support for recovery of the client session to the SOAP-based Web services. For high-availability environments, clients of the CCT SOAP -based Web services must take responsibility for:
    • detecting when a failover takes place - for example, by polling an existing heartbeat operation on the Web service
    • re-establishing the session between the client and the CCT Web services once the switchover is complete
    • re-registering for any event listeners that the client requires.
  • The REST-based Web services and SDKs are not currently supported in high availability environments.

CCT REST-Based Open Interfaces

The CCT REST-based Open Interfaces are also hosted on the CCT Server and provide a subset of the capabilities enabled by CCT SOAP-based Web services. The REST-based Web services support the fast development of lightweight, thin clients, and provide functionality that is easier to embed in client application code than that provided by the SOAP-based Web services. Be aware, however, that SOAP provides better support for sending attachments, such as binary data, and permits more fine-grained message-level encryption than REST.

The REST interface consists fundamentally of URIs with HTTP calls. The CCT REST API comprises:

  • Session Resource: allows a client application to log a CCT user into or out of a CCT session.
  • Agent Resource: log an agent into or out of the Contact Center.
  • Contact Resource: create and manage a call/contact.
  • Subscriber Resource: subscribe to be notified of call events generated by the Contact Center, such as call ringing, active, idle and hung up.
  • Event Notification: sends call event details to subscribed clients using Bayeux or via a REST endpoint.

The Web services can optionally be configured to use TLS. Each service is defined in the HTML-based Avaya Aura Contact Center CCT REST API documentation provided in the Open Interfaces CCT REST SDK. The Open Interfaces CCT REST SDK also includes:

  • SDK guide.
  • Tutorial for creating a client using simple HTML and Javascript technology.
  • Full reference client - self-contained HTML/Javascript Web page.

Additional Resources

The following white paper compares the CCT Open Interfaces with the CCT .NET API, and provides information to help you determine which is most suitable for a particular solution:
