IP Office Location API and SDK

Latest Release: 11.1.3 (June 2023)


IP Office Location API

The Location API is a WebSocket protocol that was introduced in IP Office Release 10.0. Using the API, a developer can create an emergency services solution that updates the dynamic location of extensions that are not fixed, such as WiFi Cordless phones. The API also supports simple On-site Notification, allowing the solution to get the actual location of the caller, and other call information, whenever an emergency services call is initiated on IP Office.

The Location API allows third party emergency services solutions to:

  • Set the dynamic location of an extension. When set, the dynamic location takes precedence over the location set in the IP Office configuration.
  • Get a list of PBXs in the same solution as the current PBX.
  • Get a list of extensions currently registered with IP Office. The list is also automatically sent to the solution when the location of an extension, or of all extensions, is cleared through a different interface.
  • Get a list of locations currently defined on IP Office. The list is also automatically sent to the solution whenever a new location is added, removed or changed on IP Office.
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe to receive notifications when extensions are newly registered to IP Office.
  • Receive notification whenever an emergency call is initiated on IP Office, regardless of whether it is successful or not. The notification includes call and caller location information on the associated Emergency Services Call Alarm.

Example uses of the API:

  1. Monitor network switches or Access Point controllers to set the location for extensions based on the switch port, or Access Point, to which the phones are connected.
  2. Provide simple on-site notification, instead of using the Emergency Services Call Alarm delivered through other mechanisms (SysLog, SNMP Trap, e-mail). One advantage of using the Location API is that the solution can monitor the connection status and, if the connection fails, raise an alert.

IP Office Location SDK

The SDK download comprises:

  • A C# .Net sample application, including an executable and source code. The application connects to the Location API and demonstrates the full set of commands that can be issued to IP Office.
  • Description of Location API

The SDK is available for download from the DevConnect portal, under Releases -> Downloads -> Location API & Emergency Services Call Alarm for the release of IP Office you are using.
