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Joined: Nov 29, 2016
Messages: 27

Below is the information about APIs,.

1. makeTask
Using this API you can make a call. Parameters are below,
endpointToken - This is the token you receive as output of openAgent API
address - This is the endpoint address i.e. actual phone number
outboundTopicId - This outbound topic ID. This can be null in normal scenario. To get topic id, you can use getTopicByName API of DirectoryWS.

2. makeTaskExtOAD
Using this API you can make a call. This is same as makeTask, only it provides extra parameter as initiator id. Parameters are below
endpointToken - This is the token you receive as output of openAgent API
address - This is the endpoint address i.e. actual phone number
outboundTopicId - This outbound topic ID. This can be null in normal scenario. To get topic id, you can use getTopicByName API of DirectoryWS.
extOAD - Here you can provide initiator id as agent id who initiates the call.

After successful makeTask call, your application will receive onEPTCInitiated, onEPTCProgress and onEPTCConnected (this will receive once call is connected) events. Each event is having taskId and taskConnectionId which can be used further to call holdTC, dropTC etc

3. answerTC
This API is to answer incoming call. If there is incoming call then WSC will call onEPTCAlerting observer API of your local application. It will send following data to your observer API method,
endpointToken - This is the unique token. If multiple Agents are logged in to your application then there would be unique token associated with each agent. Using this token your app can identify, this incoming call is for which agent.
taskId - Each task will have unique task id. You will need to use it for further calls like conference, dropTask etc.
taskConnId - This is unique taskConnection ID. You will need to use it further to call APIs like holdTC, answerTC etc.
originatorEpId - It provides information about who has initiated the call.
callingAddress - This is calling address to know who is calling
calledAddress - This is called address. It will be same as Agent logged in phone number.
alertingAddress - This is alerting address.
attributes - Attributes are like external, internal, routed, consult, conference etc. To know which type of incoming call it is.
forceJobCode - To know whether jobcode is forced job code or not.
cause - Cause of incoming call.
otherConnections - This will be useful in case of conference to know other connections.

Using above taskconnection id, you will need to call answerTC API, API parameters are as below,
endpointToken - This is the token you receive as output of openAgent API
taskConnId - Task connection Id received during onEPTCAlerting event.

After successful answerTC, your app will receive onEPTCConnected (this will receive once call is connected) event. This event is having taskId and taskConnectionId which can be used further to call holdTC, dropTC etc

This API is used to drop task (end call). Once call is connected your app will receive onEPTCConnected event which contains taskId, taskConnectionId..
Parameters are like below,

endpointToken - This is the token you receive as output of openAgent API
taskId - This is taskId received with onEPTCConnected event.

This API is to create confernce call. It needs multiple calls. Each call has associated with one task id. Those taskIds need to be passed to API.
Below are the parameters of API,

endpointToken - This is the token you receive as output of openAgent API
taskId1 - This is taskId of existing task. It can be incoming, outgoing task
taskId2 - This is taskId of new task. It can be incoming, outgoing task.

6. consultationTask
This API is to create consult task.
endpointToken - This is the token you receive as output of openAgent API
activeTaskConnId - This is taskConnectionID of active task.
address - This is endpoint address (actual phone number) to where you want to consult.

For more details, you can have look at API document under doc/api directory of WSC SDK zip file.

Joined: Dec 27, 2016
Messages: 14
Hi All,

any update for my question, please help
Joined: Dec 27, 2016
Messages: 14
Hi Sadashiv

thanks for your advise
Joined: Feb 8, 2016
Messages: 2
Dear Team,
We have proposed Avaya IPOCC 10.1 and customer want to collect "Customer ID" on IVRS and want to send same Cust ID to CRM via Web Services.
Is it possible on IPOCC Web Services? Please revert.

Vinayak Patil
Joined: Nov 29, 2016
Messages: 27

Currently IVR doesn't have Web Service support, so currently it is not possible.

Joined: Feb 8, 2016
Messages: 2

Is there any way, by which we can send Dialed DTMF input on IVRS send to Third party application, ie CTI PRO etc.
Joined: Nov 29, 2016
Messages: 27

There is no direct way as such because there is no support for web services in IVRS.

Joined: Aug 22, 2017
Messages: 8

how to make outbound call using IPOCC WSC??


Joined: Jul 2, 2015
Messages: 3
Good Morning Have a Wonderful Day .

I am doing small POC using IPOCC
Can any one tell what is endpointObserverUrl

How to create endpointObserverUrl

I am using PHP Programming language
I just share my source code kindly corret it and send if any sample programs .


$taskaparamssession = array('agentLoginId'=>'Ram', 'password'=>'cc123456','endpointObserverUrl' => 'http://localhost/lab/wsdl/phpobserve.php');
$taskaparamssession_responce = $client_task->createSession($taskaparamssession);


$challenge = '';
$challenge = $_REQUEST['createSessionResponse'];

echo $challenge;

Joined: Aug 18, 2015
Messages: 4
Hi i can help you with using php to create a endpoint observer.

2 parts

1 download the wsdl provided in the SDK. Edit the soap:address location="your address running your endpoint server script.php"

2. create a soap server which itself has 2 parts

a. (example for monitoring)

$wsdl = "MonitoringObserver.wsdl";
$server = new SOAPServer($wsdl);

Note the use of the wsdl you downloaded

b. create a class out of the wsdl stub. there are automatic scripts to do it OR just create a class and give it the functions listed in the wsdl


public function onAGANotification($parameters){
// WSC will call this on agent notifications . see wsdl

FInally install and run on your server and this is the URL you give to WSC . Note you must give it the wsdl in the url. e.g server?wsdl
(you know its working when you browse to this address and receive the wsdl)
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