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Hi all,

How to fix DMCC OnGetDeviceIdResponse "resourceBusy" error?
I want to kick station and re-login station.

Thanks & Regards
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Another application (or possibly a previous execution of your application) has grabbed the same DeviceID as you are requesting. I take it you want to clear the old DeviceID so you can get it again. You can do this using the AE Services Web Interface. Use the Status -> Status and Control -> DMCC Service Summary menu.

You should see a list of existing sessions. You may select one and Terminate it.

Alternatively, click on the Device Summary link. This will show a list of device IDs in use. Select your ID and Terminate it.


What do you mean?

DMCC cannot terminate session by device ID? Im working on a DMCC C# Application.
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Messages: 1922
Joined: Mar 30, 2015
Messages: 27
I am getting the same error as indicated below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CSTAErrorCode xmlns=""> <systemResourceAvailibility>resourceBusy</systemResourceAvailibility></CSTAErrorCode>

I tried by setting CONTROLLABLEBYOtherSessions flag to True, but no positive work.

any help appreciated.

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
In order for the Controllable By Other Sessions flag to work, it must be set to TRUE by EVERY session that gets the Device ID.

If the first application/session to get the Device ID sets it to FALSE, no other session can get it.

If Device IDs are being kept by old sessions/applications that have not released them correctly, you will need to use the AE Services Web Interface to kill the session or release the DeviceID, as I described in a previous post.

Joined: Mar 30, 2015
Messages: 27
Thanks for the response Martin, But I would like to know is there a way to do the same Terminate process from Code?

My assumption expecting steps like
1) Getting Existing SessionID
2) Terminate the session From code.

That would be help full for me in this case because we cannot proceed to change all app, that's why I am planning is this way.

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Have a look at the section in the Programmers Guide about TransferMonitorObject . It may be of use to you:

"The TransferMonitorObject request of Device Services is used to transfer the DeviceIDs for a given session to another session belonging to the same user. This request will also transfer the listeners that were added for each DeviceID. This allows one application instance to take over for another application instance in the event of a failure."
Joined: Mar 30, 2015
Messages: 27
Thank you martin :) ,

But it would be helpfull if you suggest the below things.

1) Is There way to terminate the session (which was opened before but missed due to app crash) from DMCC API,
i have the sessionid but would like to do in a automated way.

2) if that is not possible. can i have a sample code for transfer Object, because i could get the TransferMonitorObjectsResponse event triggered at any stage.

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
1. Performing a TransferMonitorObjects will cause the old session to be terminated.

2. I do not know of any sample code for this. I suggest you use the DMCC Dashboard to test it. Note that you may find it useful to start two instances of the Dashboard, each with a single session.

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