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Joined: Nov 18, 2013
Messages: 60
In my TSAPI monitoring application on startup after I get a ACS_OPEN_STREAM_CONF I loop through all the extensions I want to monitor and call cstaMonitorDevice() for each one of them. Immediately after I call that function for the last extension I get a unsolicited TSERVER_STREAM_FAILED event. I am trying to monitor 403 extensions. I have found that if I lower the number of extensions that I'm monitoring this error doesn't happen. Any ideas what might be causing this?

Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
Do you have a send thread and a receive thread in your application? Most likely you lack of processing the receive queue causes it to overflow in the driver and AE Services closes the stream because your application (the driver) stops accepting events AE Services is trying to send to it.
Joined: Nov 18, 2013
Messages: 60
That was indeed the issue. Thanks for the reply.

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