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Joined: Feb 13, 2015
Messages: 205
I have a situation where csta_query_device_info_conf returns empty associatedDevice (agent id). Normally I requery the device (agent extension) and the next csta_query_device_info_conf returns the correct associatedDevice.

However I have a particular customer where it never returns the correct associatedDevice. Its almost like a never ending loop of requerying until i finally restart my application and then i get the correct associatedDevice on the first try!

My question here is could I possibly be doing something wrong in my app or does this issue like on the customer's AES?
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
It is not possible to analyse the problem properly on the forum. The most likely cause is that the agent is not actually logged in or the client is not actually sending a request to the AE Services.

You could try turning on the TSAPI traces on the AE Services. You can then use the traces to confirm if the application is actually sending the query to the AE Services and what the Communication Manager is sending in reply. Follow the instructions in the Devconnect Product FAQ "What is the procedure for enabling and accessing the AE Services logs for TSAPI (trace, tracing, g3trace, csta_trace)?". It is in the "FAQ: AE Services TSAPI -> General" section.

You can then check the csta trace file to see what requests the client is sending & what responses the AE Services is returning. From the g3 trace file, it is possible to see what messages are going to/from the Communication Manager.

Joined: Feb 13, 2015
Messages: 205
Thank you
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