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Joined: Jan 14, 2015
Messages: 24

I followed the ClickToCall CE Demo Service and implement a service which can call a AAC bridge number and the user number at the same time.

Now the issue is that when the user join the conference bridge using a participant code, the call cannot last over 6 minutes.

Once the call lasts over 6 minutes, the user will be dropped out. The callTerminated(Call call, CallTerminationCause cause) function in the CallListener will be invoked. And the CallTerminationCause is AFTER_ANSWER

It seems as though the CE server isn't responding properly to INFO SIP messages from the AAC. And if the AAC doesn't get a response within a certain amount of time, it assumes the far end has dropped and sends a BYE message.

The CE should be responding with a 200OK to the INFO, but instead it's responding with a 500 Internal Error. Like it doesn't know how it should respond.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Thank you !


I test the ClickToCall CE Demo Service. I use my number as first party and AAC bridge number as second party, and enter the participant code to join in the conference. The call dropped out when it went over 6 minutes.

Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780
Hello. We will need to collect some logs to diagnose the problem. We cannot do so unless you first open a DevConnect ticket. Can you please do so?

Joined: Jan 14, 2015
Messages: 24
Sure. I opened a DevConnect Ticket for EDP technical support.

Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780
Great! You're likely aware of this, but if it turns out that the issue is a bug in our product, you will not be charged for the support time.
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