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Joined: Nov 19, 2013
Messages: 13

I have a requirement where IVR applciation developed in OD needs to be integrated with SMS gateway to send SMS in English and Burmese Language.

1. Is it possible to handle text in different languages in OD?

2. Does we have a sample application to have this functionality?

3. Do we need to ask any specific technical details that need to be verified from SMS gateway end?

Prasad Sreenivas

I am not getting how you are planning to integrate OD with SMS gateway. Can you elaborate on that before I can answer the question? Keep in mind that OD 7 and EP 7 (GA the end of this month) together will have the SMS feature.
Joined: Nov 19, 2013
Messages: 13

Thanks for the reply. As per my understanding, SMS G/W will be integrated via HTTP request from my OD app.

At this point of time, I don't have much details on that SMS G/W other than the way of integration. So is there any generic way which I can use to handle the different language? Something like unicode?

Prasad K S
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
OD projects are Java web projects. Java internally store string in Unicode. Sending data through http normal require encoding from one end and decoding on the other end but it will probably be custom code written in the OD project. So you should have no problem sending Unicode characters but it requires certain custom code.
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