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Joined: Dec 1, 2014
Messages: 49
Hi experts,

I really really apreciate if you could help me with this SQL rule..

I have created a custom buttom into EMC Desktop, and this is the rule from custom button:::

Rule7 = When CustomButton.Survey Always Do SQL Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=*****;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=VoicePortal;Data Source=10.252.*.*,Insert into dbo.Survey060(ANI,Datein,Dateout,Agent,UCID,Calltrasnferred) values ('%CallerDN%',GETDATE(),GETDATE(),'%AgentID%','%UCID%',0) Then GotoRule 9 Else GotoRule 8
Rule8 = When LinkedRule Always Do Alert Error,Error when insert into Database Then Stop Else Stop

but the %CallerDN%, %AgentId%, %UCID% values are NULL...I could only get this values informed and the query is suscesful on event 'Voice.Established' or similar.

Please, could you help me? i need only insert into database after agent click the buttom.

It is very important for customer, any help is much appreciated.


Joined: Dec 1, 2014
Messages: 49
As far a s I could test, there is no way to get the %CallerDN%, %AgentId%, %UCID% values in the custom buttom event, because this event is not able to get the info of the call.

You could only get this values informed on event 'Voice.Established' or similar.

I hope it helps.
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