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Joined: May 18, 2015
Messages: 88
Hi all,

It comes to my observation that, if call to scopia bridge is not synchronized then call doesn't get accepted by scopia instead i can hear buzy tone and call gets dropped if the other person simultaneously joining to the Scopia bridge.

Here is the code how i am allowing a call after playing TTS."Play completed : ");
synchronized (this) {
call.allow();"Allow call in playcompleted : "+call.getCallingParty().getHandle());

I tried to initiate call to 3 parties with sleep time of each call as 10 seconds it also don't help as it depends on the person who pick up the call in what sequence.

If two participants accepts the call at the same time then, once TTS is played call.allow will be executed and one person will successfully get connected to scopia bridge and other will hear buzy tone and will get dropped.

How should i prevent this from happening.
Any other way to synchronize calls?

Thanks and regards,
Swapnil Bhosale.
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