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Joined: Oct 28, 2014
Messages: 179
I created a make call workflow that creates a call and then plays a prompt to the called party. The call is placed, but the prompt is never played. When I debugged the flow it says that the call ID in the prompt is invalid. However, I map the ucid generated from make call and I verified that the output from make call is the same as the input to prompt. Any ideas as to what might be happening?

From Make Call:

{'__sid__':'EngagementDesig-','ucid':'00002001881466777073','timeOfEvent':'2016-06-24 08:04:37 MDT','reason':'call answered','eventingParty':{'handle':'2301','additionalProperties':{},'domain':'','display':'2301'},'additionalProperties':{},'shortReason':'answered','calledParty':{'handle':'2301','additionalProperties':{},'domain':'','display':'2301'},'appid':'local.1465496792320_565530!','callingParty':{'handle':'+2305','additionalProperties':{},'domain':'','display':'SIPwCMUser 2305'}}

From Prompt:

{'ucid':'00002001881466777073'} {} Invalid callID: 00002001881466777073 Communication tasks
Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780
Hi Andrew. This rings a bell for me... we may have encountered such issues in the past. I've asked the team if they have any such recollection. In the meantime, can you please collect some logs for us? I think I may have asked you to do this in the past but just in case, here are the instructions. You'll need two command prompts for this.

Window 1:
ce dlogon
ce dlogw > /tmp/breezeDebug.log

Window 2:
ce dlogon EngagementDesigner
ce dlogw EngagementDesigner > /tmp/edDebug.log

Run your scenario then:

Window 1:
ce dlogoff

Window 2:
ce dlogoff EngagementDesigner

You can then post the log files here as an attachment.

Thanks, and sorry that you've encountered this issue.
Joined: Oct 28, 2014
Messages: 179
Here they are.

The flow is this. Using a parallel gateway, I send a text message and make a call to 2301. I then play a prompt to 2301.
Filename edDebug.log [Disk] Download
Filename breezeDebug.log [Disk] Download
Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780
Thanks Andrew, we're looking into it. Have you gotten this basic operation of making a call and playing an announcement to work in other workflows?
Joined: Oct 28, 2014
Messages: 179
I tried and it doesn't appear to ever play after a make call. That said, it worked on the boot camp lab (013). I am currently on lab 003.
Joined: Dec 19, 2013
Messages: 12
Hi Andrew,

I took a look at the logs. They indicate that the outgoing call is ORIG sequenced through a CM.

The SIP message to the CM contains a User-To-User header. The header contains - among other attributes - a UCID. CM does not appear to pass this User-To-User header (containing the UCID) along when the call is TERM sequenced to Breeze. This causes Breeze to generate a new UCID, and this is the one used to look up the call. However, since it is a different UCID from the original one generated by ED, things get confused.

There are two solutions which come to mind.
1. Change the "Send UCID" to "Y" on the CM trunk group, page 3. **We have made this change on the involved CM for you**
2. Change the originating user from "2305" to some user which is not configured to ORIG sequence through a CM. This way, CM isn't in the picture, and the User-To-User header will remain intact.

Can you please attempt the call scenario again? You should not have to make the change suggested in 2. above.

Joined: Oct 28, 2014
Messages: 179
Thanks, Thor. That did the trick!
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