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Joined: Jan 15, 2014
Messages: 8
Hi there,

we have a snapin, and we have ways to load test it, and we were wondering if you would have a recommendation on how we could monitor things on the breeze/webshpere side so we could get stats on:

- Mem usage
- Thread usage
- Cpu usage
- Classes not being garbage collected over time (memory leak)

We were thinking on using jConsole to remotely monitor WebShere process to collect our stats, would that be possible?

Joined: Nov 12, 2013
Messages: 21

  • Several hundred metric values from the OS, JEE container (where the snap-in runs), datagrid, and database can be dumped using the metget command. metget -? should list it's usage. Some of the metric names are obvious, but most are not. Our current container is IBM WebSphere, and many of those metrics are explained in the WebSphere 8.5.5 PMI articles which show up from most web searches.

  • This will cover thread and cpu usage and intra-container resource usage (e.g. SIP Application Sessions). Breeze runs on Linux, so most of the OS tools (e.g. ps, vmstat, iostat, sar, top) can be used for gross CPU and memory measurements.

  • For Java memory usage:

  • "ce wasgclogc" will dump the last several hours (if very busy) or years (if not busy) WebSphere JVM garbage collection entries. From this you can calculate frequency and pauses (similar to jstat for OpenJDK).

  • IBM has several valuable tools you can search and download. The ultimate tool for memory leak analysis is using the Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool (or MAT) on a heap dump (was dump heap). Taking a heap dump under load will cause transaction/call failures.

  • jConsole should work too, but it can be service impacting.
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