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Joined: Aug 21, 2015
Messages: 3
Hi,I'm Maruyama.

Please give me some clues

I can not log in to Workspace.
In Chorme's log, it is called err_insecure_response.
Is it a problem with certificates?
or Is there session left in UAC?

I can log in occasionally, but I can not log out and an error code appears.
UAC?error code 3000002
Joined: Feb 17, 2015
Messages: 23
Are you logging in with http or https?

To rule out a certificate error if using http,

1. Browse to the same url using https: - if you get a certificate warning, you've found the culprit
2. Proceed past the security warning, Accept the certificate
3. You should get a Login screen, but do not login.
4. Change the URL in the address bar of your browser to remove the “s” from the https:// link, and refresh the browser using F5.

Depending on your Oceana version, the Browser may need to re-acquire the certificate occasionally by repeating the above steps.

Let me know if this helped.
Joined: Aug 21, 2015
Messages: 3
Thank you very much.
I was able to log in.

However, some users logged out of mail, chat, and SMS, but Voice is pending logout.
UAC error code 3000002 has appeared.
Can you give me an idea to erase this error?
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