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Joined: Sep 3, 2015
Messages: 2

I'm playing with WebService to try to integrate IPOCC UI functionality in a 3rd party application.
Working with DirectoryWS is quiet easy but I'm stuck with TaskWS.

In TaskWS method you have to provide a listener URI (basically a local WebService where IPOCC will push info).
I'm trying to do this using C#.
I manage to create a WebService using EndpointObserver WSDL but it seems the names created by Visual Studio do not match what IPOCC is expecting.

Does anyone already manage to do this kind of things ?
any code sample to provide ?

Best regards,
Joined: Nov 29, 2016
Messages: 27

Java samples are available but currently there are no C# samples available. May be you can try to develop using Java first and then you can try to migrate it to C# code.

Joined: Sep 3, 2015
Messages: 2
I 1st try to use Java but it is so much complicated :).
Joined: Nov 29, 2016
Messages: 27

There is WSCChecker sample application developed in java, it has all observer web services where WSC can push the events. Try to build and deploy it, may be you can debug at as well so that you will get an idea about how it works.

You can go through the UI code of WSCChecker sample application as well, when UI sends any request it comes to ControllerServlet then it passes to WSCBackedRequestProcessor where it checks which type of request it is like ConnectRequest, GetAgentListRequest etc. This request handler finally sends request to WSCBackend where it calls WSC APIs. In ConnectRequest, you can see how connection to different web service is done.

If there is an incoming call then WSC calls onEPTCAlerting of EndpointObserverSOAP (observer webservice of sample app) and internally it calls onEPTCAlerting of WSCListener. So you will get to know the flow and it will help you to develop app.

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