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Joined: Jan 13, 2017
Messages: 25
Hi POM team,

I would like to ask your help with getting completion code name by id via POM Agent API WS.

In case of a campaign after each contact I can get the contact data with GetContactDataFromList method.
The response will contain the completion code id.
I need the name of the completion code and not the id.

I can see that there is a GetAllCompletionCodesForCampaign method which can return all of the completion codes by job id.
But I can see that the response contains a list.
I suppose it is a list of completion code names and not a map with completion code id and name pairs.
Is that right?
If yes, how could I get the completion code name by id via POM Agent API WS?

Thank you in advance for your help!
Kind regards:
Katalin Orban
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