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Joined: May 2, 2018
Messages: 4

My reasoning for this is that the X509 security certificates we are using to authenticate the web service calls are very annoying to set up (or rather, the code for using them is) and so I would prefer to only have to deal with one web service in each application. Also, I've had some issues in the past with function signatures and the like in web services; I've had an application choke after adding a new function to a web service even though I didn't modify any of the existing ones. Since we can't use VS.NET's "Update Web Reference" feature (it blows away all the X509 code), I'd prefer not to get into that game. To be fair, my pre-.NET background is doing this same thing with VB6 COM DLLs and DCOM, so I'm probably a little biased.My coworker's reasoning for using a web service over a DLL is that we've had problems with our COM DLLs not always registering correctly, so he's convinced we'll have problems with a .NET DLL registered in the GAC as well. He also thinks it will use up more resources than a web service would.So, I throw it to the Hivemind -- is there a benefit to one approach over the other?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

B2B Digital Marketing

Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
What Avaya product are you trying to interface to?
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