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Joined: Nov 10, 2016
Messages: 8

We have a client who has several infinite outbound campaigns. Right now they have been adding new contacts to each campaign by using the outbound web service AppendContactsToCampaign, which supports only one PhoneNumber as one of the input fields, in contrast to our client's customer database that has more than one phone number for each record.

The problem relies on the fact that for each outbound call, the agent should be able to call any of the alternative phone numbers if the main number is unreachable. Considering that the aforementioned web service does not allow us to include more than one phone number per customer resulting in the agents being unable to reach customers in their alternative numbers, I kindly ask for your help or guidance in finding a solution to this challenge.

By the way, I have been exploring the ACCS database in order to manually edit/add each customer additional phone number through JDBC/ODBC, but it looks like I only have read-only access permissions.

For the client this is a required functionality, so any kind of help or idea is really appreciated.
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