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Joined: Aug 9, 2010
Messages: 9

Can anyone provide feedback on why I am not hearing ring back on the first participant that is joined into a call using ACE third party call control v3.4 after joining a second participant in?

The particulars (please ignore the markup of quotes etc. as this was a direct copy from my programming language invoking a server side get):

1. ACE web call invoked to make call and join the first participant

"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="""" xmlns:loc="""">"&_
"<loc:makeCallSession>" &_
"<loc:callParticipants></loc:callParticipants>" &_
"</loc:makeCallSession>" &_

2. ACE web call invoked to join the second participant (after the first picks up). This is where I would expect the first participant to hear ringing while the second participant is called out to join the call.

"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="""" xmlns:loc="""">"&_
"<loc:addCallParticipant>" &_
"<loc:callParticipant></loc:callParticipant>" &_
"</loc:addCallParticipant>" &_

I do have AMS in the picture with configuration for ANNC etc which I presume is correct because my other call flows that leverage vxml and DTMF injection work without issue.

Many thanks
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
It has been quite a few years since I worked with ACE, but my memory says that ACE treats this call flow somewhat like a conference bridge would, and does not 'disturb' the conference with ringback signals into the conference for outdialed parties that have not answered. Imagine having 2 parties who have answered and 3 parties still in a ringing state. Inserting ringback into the conference for the unanswered call legs would disrupt the ability for the two parties who had answered to speak with each other.
Joined: Aug 9, 2010
Messages: 9

Thanks very much for the prompt reply!

In the event where I am trying to accomplish the following call flow, how could I get the ring back to happen?

1. ACE invokes make call and adds participant A (no problem here)
2. ACE adds vxml as a participant (no problem here)
3. Participant A listens to vxml and presses a digit to confirm it (no problem here)
4. vxml does a data src call to a URL which triggers a wsdl for ACE to add another participant
5. ACE adds participant B (this is where participant A does not hear the ringback)
6. Participant B eventually picks up
7. Both participant A and B are on the call and can hear one another

I also tried to modify 4 where the vxml itself would invoke a <transfer> but could only get it to work as a blind transfer (not bridged). As a blind transfer direct from vxml without doing a call back to ACE to addparticipant, no ringback is heard either.

I do understand your point about ACE treating the call as a conference so maybe I am approaching my call flow goals the wrong way? As a side note, we are in process of getting quotes for Breeze with our Avaya rep but having to solve this on ACE for the time being is ideal.

I also found the below forum post in the Breeze section which may shed some light?

Again, thanks very much for your support!
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