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Joined: Jan 2, 2018
Messages: 56

We have developed Custom call control toolbar using DMCC POPUP sample application. Now want to add following functionality in DMCC custom toolbar- Agent login and Agent state management (Ready/Not Ready/Wrok etc), Start recording and stop recording of call.

How can we this and what methods we need to use?

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Hi Pravin,

You can login/out agents and change their state using the ThirdPartyCallController.SetAgentState() method.

For example, using the .Net SDK, you can do something like this:

ThirdPartyCallController.SetAgentStateParameters param= new ThirdPartyCallController.SetAgentStateParameters();
param.AgentId = "20000";
param.Password = "1234";
param.Device = stationID;
param.RequestedAgentState = ThirdPartyCallController.RequestedAgentState.AM_LOG_OUT;
serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.SetAgentState(param, null);

The required parameters will vary, depending on the new state.

I would also suggest that you use the DMCC Dashboard to experiment and see all the possibilities.

I suspect that you also want to be able to get Agent State change events. You can get Agent Login/Logout events by monitoring one of an agent's skills (Hunt Group). You will not get agent events by monitoring a station. You will also not be able to get events for other agent state changes (other than login/logout) such as Ready/Not Ready. These are not available for third party applications and you would need to regularly poll AE Services using getAgentState() to be able to keep up-to-date.

You may find it useful to search this forum as this topic comes up quite often.

As for recording calls, I suggest you get a copy of "Developing Client-side IP Call Recording Applications using Avaya Application Enablement Services". You can find it at


Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
While not DMCC code, this sample app in TSAPI does many agent related services and may aid your acquisition of knowledge.
TSAPI services are exposed through very similar methods in DMCC
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