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Joined: Aug 2, 2018
Messages: 48
I want to send a query similar to the following:

select * from Incident where CompanyID = '9D41F0FA-BB31-DC11-846F-0008744EFD9D' and Status = 'Assigned'

I code it up in Breeze as:

select * from Incident where CompanyID = ? and Status = ?

This give me an input schema with two variables – inputParam1 and inputParam2. I map 9D41F0FA-BB31-DC11-846F-0008744EFD9D to 1 and Assigned to 2.

However, when I run the task, I get {'resultSet':[]} as my result. If I run the query outside of Breeze I get two table rows.

If I drop the second parameter and run the following, it returned lots of rows (as it should):

select * from Incident where CompanyID = ?

How do I create the two parameter query so Breeze will run it?

Joined: Jun 30, 2015
Messages: 105

This is the same problem you sent in email earlier today and the problem was with the filtering data you use in the query. Here is my last response to you in the email chain:

In your query outside of the Engagement Designer workflow, the company ID is ‘…FD9D’ with Status ‘Assigned’. That has two rows.
In your query inside the workflow, the company ID is ‘…5151’ with Status ‘Assigned’. There is no data in the table that matches this criteria. But there is data with company ID ‘…5151’ with Status as something else. That is why if you remove the Status input in the query it works.

If you can confirm that, we can close this topic here. Thanks!

Prakash Natarajan System Architecture Consulting Engineer Engagement Designer Avaya
Joined: Aug 2, 2018
Messages: 48
Yep. :-(

I combined two queries I was working with and one did not meet the Status requirement. I am doing too much to prepare for Engage!

Thanks again.
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