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Joined: Dec 6, 2018
Messages: 4
Dear team,
How can I receive an ACD skill group in which some number is exist using jtapi. For example, I can get it by SMS (with input field Extension, in the answer skill is in ACD_Grp field). Can I do something like that using JTapi?

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Do you meant that you have the Hunt-groups Extension number and you want to find the Hunt-group's Group Number (aka Skill)? If so, then no. You will need to use SMS. JTAPI generally uses Extension numbers.

Joined: Dec 6, 2018
Messages: 4
Hi. In jtapi docs i've found an Agent class and there is a method called getACDAddress. Isn't it what i been looking for? In Exerciser i create a terminal instance and get associated agent with this terminal by getAgents() method. Then in Agent instance I can correctly get agentID and State, but when i call getACDAddress(), method returns null value. I can't figure out why.
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
As far as I know, if Communication Manager is using skills-based routing, getACDAddress will return null. Presumably, this is because the agent can have several skills and therefore be a member of several ACDs. getACDAddress only has the capability of returning one number so, in this case, it would be meaningless.

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