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Joined: Jul 20, 2017
Messages: 2
I'm trying to stop and start call recording using IPOffice CTI Web Services, but start request always returns 500 error, what can be a problem?

Here are steps I take:
  • 1. Login to Cti WS and subscribe to events (url: inyama/service/session)

  • 2. Store ClientSessionId (received during login) and store callID (received in event notification message)

  • 3. Send start call recording request (ClientSessionId added to http header) (url: /inyama/service/callcontrol/recordCall) body:

  • <ARSRecordCall xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
    <connection xmlns="">
    <callID xmlns="">995eef7b-00c2-4299-a6dc-72fb6a30247c</callID>
    <requestingDevice switchingSubDomainInformationElements="31302E31302E37362E34" xmlns="">332</requestingDevice>

    The response always returns 500 Internal Server Error, body:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <ns3:Error xmlns:ns16="" xmlns:ns17="" xmlns:ns14="" xmlns:ns15="" xmlns:ns18="" xmlns:ns9="http://com.avaya.common.csta.extended" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns13="" xmlns:ns7="http://com.avaya.inkaba.dal" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns8="http://com.avaya.inkaba.wstransfer" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="">

    The stop recording request doesn't return error, (ClientSessionId added to http header) (url:/inyama/service/callcontrol/stopRecordCall), body:

    <ARSStopRecordCall xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
    <connection xmlns="">
    <callID xmlns="">02b223e4-c1d2-48a1-9ded-109ae9094ba6</callID>

    Response 202 Accepted, body:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <ns2:ARSResponse xmlns:ns16="" xmlns:ns17="" xmlns:ns14="" xmlns:ns15="" xmlns:ns18="" xmlns:ns9="http://com.avaya.common.csta.extended" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns13="" xmlns:ns7="http://com.avaya.inkaba.dal" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns8="http://com.avaya.inkaba.wstransfer" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3=""/>

    Software versions:
    Avaya IP Office 10.1 server edition; Version: build 7

    Any help appreciated. Thanks.
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