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Joined: Aug 2, 2018
Messages: 48
I receive this error when calling a web service from a Java Snap-In. It looks different from what I receive when a cert is not loaded. PKIX path validation failed: The revocation status of the certificate with subject (CN=*, OU=EssentialSSL Wildcard, OU=Domain Control Validated) could not be determined.

Update: I can call this REST service from Postman on my PC. I looked in certmgr and do not see any Meraki certificates.

Can anyone help me understand what I need to do on my Breeze server to get past this? Thanks.
Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780
Hi Andrew, this looks like an error with CRL checking. You say you can access the service from Postman. Try executing this line from the CLI: "echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername <URL you are trying to access> -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text" I you should be able to determine the URL of the revocation server from the displayed information. I wonder if that URL is inaccessible from the Breeze server. It might be interesting to try a wget from the Breeze CLI on that URL to see what happens.

Joined: Aug 2, 2018
Messages: 48
Thanks, Joel. It turns out that the error really was a missing cert. It wasn't obvious, but after digging around quite a bit I found the cert, loaded it, and everything worked.

I am not sure why the error was so different from what I've experienced before when I was missing a cert, but I am thankful that I was able to find it. The demo will now go as planned tomorrow morning.
Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780
That's great to hear, Andrew. Thanks for the update and I hope the demo goes well tomorrow!
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