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Joined: Sep 11, 2019
Messages: 69

On AEP logs for defaultDialogflow OD app, I found that if the customer does not say anything (no input) we get a NO_INPUT ( in front of Speech fail in logs AEP) and we are triggering the DF_SYSTEM_NO_INPUT event to dialogflow which is fine.

But sometimes it gives a NO_MATCH (in front of speech fail in AEP logs) which is handled by triggering the DF_SYSTEM_NO_INPUT event to dialogflow.

My query is who decides or sends this NO_MATCH. Is it dialogflow or something else or avaya? In some cases I found that there is noisy recording and I got NO_MATCH but in some there no recording but still NO_MATCH is there

I have attached the picture of how it looks in the AEP logs

  • [Thumb - log.PNG]
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