Author Message
Joined: Feb 17, 2020
Messages: 1
When I get the calllog for a user, it has registers grouped for the same number that are consecutive in time, and the duration of the last one.
How can I get the complete list of calls or details for that group of calls.
[ ...

id: 1684
monitorCrossRefID: "7590022147381546872-"
device: {value: "2035", typeOfNumber: "DIALING_NUMBER", mediaClass: [], connectionRate: null,…}
value: "2035"
typeOfNumber: "DIALING_NUMBER"
mediaClass: []
connectionRate: null
bitRate: "CONSTANT"
delayTolerance: null
switchingSubDomainCCIEType: null
switchingSubDomainInformationElements: "MTI3LjAuMC4x"
callType: "OUTGOING"
state: "NORMAL"
-->numberOfCalls: 3<--
callTimestamp: 1581005219000
dialbackNumber: "618******"
callingPartyName: ""
tag: ""
-->duration: 30<-- duration of the last call
target: null
deviceName: null
dialbackName: ""
otherEndAnonymousType: "NONE"
huntgroupMembers: null
external: true
... ]
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