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Joined: Oct 28, 2015
Messages: 2
Hi, I'm using DMCC, and looking into potentially using JTAPI/TSAPI for agentState monitoring. But polling for agentState on an interval is something of a last resort. Are there any APIs on AES that provide event-handling for agentState changes (READY, NOT_READY, ACW)?

And I may as well proactively ask, if polling for agentState is the only option, I have yet to see any SDK methods that allow for bulk agentState requests. Does anyone know if anything like this exists?

Thanks in advance,
Joined: Oct 28, 2015
Messages: 2
I do see JTAPI->ACDAddressListener, but I have read that it does not support events other than agentLogin/agentLogout.

I am also open endpoints other than DMCC/TSAPI/JTAPI if the feature exists elsewhere.
Joined: Apr 18, 2011
Messages: 89

You will get agent state change event when there is change in Ready-> NOT_Ready or Not_Ready->Ready. But you will not get if there is multiple reason code configured for Not_Ready State and you are change to Not_Ready state from one reason code to another reason code.

It's better you implement polling and maintain last state of agent at server end and send event to browser only if there is change in state.

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
> Are there any APIs on AES that provide event-handling for agentState changes (READY, NOT_READY, ACW)?

No. You can monitor a huntgroup and get Agent Login & Logout events but you will not get events when an agent's ready/aux state changes.

> ... if polling for agentState is the only option ...

You must poll each station individually. There is no bulk method.

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