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Joined: Oct 14, 2020
Messages: 6
I'm wondering if the DMCC SDK has the ability to get calls in queue information from the VDN level. I'm able to get this data from specific hunt groups via the ACDStats query but I'd like to have the ability to monitor at VDN as well. I've tried doing this through the dashboard but the SDK reports back an "invalidDeviceID" when attempting to call "GetAcdSplit"

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
No. The model is that agents are logged into Skills and calls are queued to Skills. A Skill is configured as a Hunt-group.

So it's not really possible to think of an agent as logged into a VDN or calls being queued to one.

If you want to know which VDN calls are in a queue, you can monitor the VDN. You will then get a Queued event when a call ends up on a queue and then a Delivered event when it is passed to an agent. It should be possible to keep track.

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