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Joined: Feb 7, 2020
Messages: 27
I am trying to use the AES SMS to list station ports and I need to "chunk" the output as suggested in the programmers guide on page 33.
Application Enablement Services Web Services Programmers Guide

I am able to do a list station port <portid> but i want to break up the responses. I want the first 10 then the second 10. Is there a way to use the count option to get the output for response entries 11-20?

list port station port xxxxx count 10 seems to work just fine. How do I get the second "chunk" if needed?
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
As a generic response to understanding what options are available to be used, access Communication Manager's SAT and look at the help for the command e.g., list station and see what options are supported.

The options for list station are:
Enter ['ext' x]['to-ext' x]['port' x]['type' x] ['movable' x] ['actual' x] ['count' n]['schedule']

thus you can send the ext[ension] of the last station you received in the first chunk and your output will start there for the second chunk by adding ext <nnnnn> to what you send in your request.
Joined: Feb 7, 2020
Messages: 27
Thank you for your response. I have tried your suggestion via the SMS_test.php interface on my AES and this is what I get. Any idea what could be wrong?

Model: Station
Operation: List
Qualifier: port 001V2 count 12 ext 11576
Fields: Extension|Type|Port

Response {
var $result_code = 1
var $result_data = ''
var $message_text = 'Read Failure. The CM connection may have been lost.'

I happen to know that the full list contains 14 items. Will I have to know that each time I run the query? Seems like I run into issues for automation if I don't know the total before I run the query. For example: If I start at item 10 and try to get the rest of the list(items 10-14) this works....
Qualifier: port 001V2 count 6 ext 11578

But with the same list if I try this qualifier where count is 7, it fails.
Qualifier: port 001V2 count 7 ext 11578

Almost as if I can't go too far beyond the count that exists. Ideally, I will need to do a chunk of 1-12, then a chunk 12-24. The response list could have 14 items or 24 in it (or any number in between on a board).
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
I have never played with the port option as a qualifier, and the system I have setup does not have a media gateway configured to do any testing against. Normally CM will chunk back data till the last block, at which point you will get less than the count. So if your config is small enough, test with out the port qualifier for a bit and see what behavior you see; also use the SAT terminal to see if you are seeing the same behavior with both interfaces.

Normally one would do a list station ext xxxx count, and build their own DB of the info, and refresh it every so often, and have your system work against that DB. But I can understand why that is less than desirable if you are just trying to collect what is provisioned against a certain circuit pack.

Given your example with a count of 6 (two past the total of 14) works, and a count of 7 fails (I think that is what you are conveying), I think there is something very strange going on, but I could be totally missing your point because at one point you indicated a query for the second chunk failed, and at another I infer things are working. By strange going on, my guess is that there is some station configured in a way that causes an issue with the list command at the SAT or if the SAT works, and SMS doesnt, then the problem data is an issue with SMS.

The CM connection being 'lost' is likely a timeout. Is it 100% repeatable? If so I would expect more that some configured data in CM is creating an issue for SMS. It isn't supposed to, but it isn't impossible either. If you run the commands on CM SAT are they successful? If so that would imply a SMS issue with the data it is receiving. By enabling SMS tracing and reviewing those logs, you could see if the data is arriving from CM and not making it to the app, or CM isn't sending the data. A technical support ticket would be the better mechanism to provide assistance with that assuming your company has a support-enable of higher membership.
Joined: Feb 7, 2020
Messages: 27
Thank you again. I appreciate your help on this.

On this question...
"The CM connection being 'lost' is likely a timeout. Is it 100% repeatable? "

The timeout message is all I get when things fail. It is 100% repeatable.

I will try a few of these from SAT. However on the SMGR cut-through, the interface hangs when I click the next button on the page that contains the last entry (# 14). I have to refresh the page or go back to a previous menu to get anything to respond.

I have higher support membership and I have submitted this ticket
Ticket Number

Thanks again for all your responses on this. It has been a great help.
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