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Joined: Oct 14, 2020
Messages: 2
Hello all, I have a question regarding the User Management Web Service.

Namely, I am attempting to add a User Provision Rule to an existing profile, such that the profile will have certain attributes automatically added.

However, when I send the below XML data via web request, I get an error (see below)

Partial XML, Note: I have also tried using the, <delta:userDelta> tag instead and I get the same response.


Error Response:
Status: Error! "Failed to parse XML user: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'UserProvisionRules'. One of '{newLoginName, emailId, employeeNo, department, organization, middleName, managerName, preferredGivenName, preferredLanguage, source, sourceUserKey, status, suffix, surname, surnameAscii, timeZone, title, userName, userPassword, commPassword, userType, roles, localizedNames, address, securityIdentity, ownedContactLists, ownedContacts, presenceUserDefault, presenceUserACL, presenceUserCLDefault, commProfileSet}' is expected. invalid XML file"

I am sending this using the standard "Update Basic Attributes" web call, as defined in the User Management Web Services API documentation. The same piece of XML works if I substitute any of the fields listed in the error response (i.e. employeeNo for example).

Does anyone have any idea why this is not functioning?

Thanks in advance!
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