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Joined: Jan 25, 2021
Messages: 2

What is now:
We use tsapi sdk to receive event calls and it works.

What we want:
We want to use tsapi sdk to receive Endpoint Registered Event.

What has been done for this:
Private Data Version changed from 6 to 12.
Added event handling for eventClass = CSTAUNSOLICITED and eventType = CSTA_PRIVATE_STATUS.
To receive the event, I turn on avaya one x communicator, and at this moment I expect to see the Endpoint Registered Event.

I don't get into this part of the code and I don't see anything in the log.

Am I expecting the event correctly in the case of CSTAUNSOLICITED and CSTA_PRIVATE_STATUS?
Why can't I see them?

TSAPIi sdk version Release 7.1.2 (indicated at the beginning of the readme file).

Thank you.
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia

did you create a deviceMonitor?

"ATT Endpoint Registered events:
– Add logic to handle a CSTA Private Status event with private data event type ATT_ENDPOINT_REGISTERED. Or, if your application does not wish to receive Endpoint Registered events, then use the attMonitorFilterExt() private data formatting function to set the ATT_ENDPOINT_- REGISTERED_FILTER flag before invoking cstaMonitorDevice() for station extensions"

Is the link version set to 6 or higher?
"This event is only available if the TSAPI Link is administered with ASAI Link Version 6"
Joined: Jan 25, 2021
Messages: 2
Is the link version set to 6 or higher? - yes

What does "did you create a deviceMonitorr" mean?
I have a call to the cstaMonitorDevice function and I am watching call events such as CSTA_DELIVERED, CSTA_ESTABLISHED. But I don't see the CSTA_PRIVATE_STATUS event inside which is ATT_ENDPOINT_REGISTERED

There is one more oddity: in order to receive an Endpoint Registered Event, you need a Private Data Version> = 11 for it you need AE Services 7.1.1.
I have the (AE) Service Release 7.1.2 version in the Readme.
But in response to the acsOpenStream () ACSOpenStreamConfEvent_t libVer = AES7.1.0 Build 67.

Could this be the reason for the lack of CSTA_PRIVATE_STATUS and ATT_ENDPOINT_Ristered?
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
What does "did you create a deviceMonitorr" mean? yes cstaMonitorDevice is what I speak of

Is the TSAPI link version set to 6 or higher?
"This event is only available if the TSAPI Link is administered with ASAI Link Version 6"

When you log into the web interface for AES in the upper right corner what release is shown? Alternatively from an AES Linux prompt enter 'swversion' That will show you what release software is running. I dont know where you are finding a readme, and I wouldnt trust it to be definitive.
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