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Joined: Oct 14, 2020
Messages: 37
Hi, I can logout an agent from a device (any agent) doint this:

private void SetAgentLogOut()
ThirdPartyCallController.SetAgentStateParameters agentParams = new ThirdPartyCallController.SetAgentStateParameters();

if (this.currentDevice != null)
agentParams.Device = this.currentDevice.getDeviceIdAsString;
agentParams.RequestedAgentState = ThirdPartyCallController.RequestedAgentState.AM_LOG_OUT;

invokeLogOutID = this.sProv.getThirdPartyCallController.SetAgentState(agentParams, null);

but, if I remove the Device parameter, and add the AgentID doen't work. ¿Is there any way to logout an Agent from any device?.

Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
I believe you can query the agent, and get the device (station) they are logged in on, and then properly fill in the logout request.
Joined: Oct 14, 2020
Messages: 37
JohnBiggs wrote:I believe you can query the agent, and get the device (station) they are logged in on, and then properly fill in the logout request.

I can't find any function in the dashboard that gives me the list of devices where an agent is logged in.
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
query the agent status. the result would show the single station that the agent is logged in at. There can only be one station where the agent is logged in at.
Joined: Oct 14, 2020
Messages: 37
JohnBiggs wrote:query the agent status. the result would show the single station that the agent is logged in at. There can only be one station where the agent is logged in at.

But the deviceID is a required parameter to query the agent status, and it is precisely the data that I need to find out
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
1. Use the AgentID to perform getDeviceID()
2. Use this device ID with GetPhysicalDeviceInformation()
3. The GetPhysicalDeviceInformationResponse will include otherLogicalDeviceList. The item on this list will be the device ID of the station ID where the agent is logged in.

Alternatively, as the application is logging the agent in, it should be able to store the station ID for future reference.

Alternatively, for the case where the application is not logging in the agent, if you place a Call Control monitor on a huntgroup, you will receive AgentLogin events whenever an agent with that skill logs in. These will include the station ID where the agent is logging in.

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