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Joined: May 7, 2021
Messages: 3
The procedure below will get the agent ID who was previously logged in, not the ID of the agent who is actually logged in to the extension.

1. Monitor skills A, B, and C using addAddressListener

2. Agent-1 logs in to the extension with three skills (A, B, C). (At this time, three login notifications <acdAddressLoggedOn> are notified.)

3. Agent-1 logs out of extension. (At this time, three logout notifications <acdAddressLoggedOff> are notified.)

4. Remove two skills from Agent-1 (B, C)

5. Agent-1 logs in to the extension with one skill (A). (At this time, three login notifications <acdAddressLoggedOn> are notified.)

6. Agent-1 logs out of extension. (At this time, only one logout notification <acdAddressLoggedOff> is notified.)

7. Another agent (Agent-2) logs in to the same extension.

8. Use getAgents() and getAgentID() to get the ID of the agent logged in to the extension, the ID of agent-1 is obtained.

In addition, this case seems to occur only in the environment where PrivateData is attached to the login notification.
Joined: May 7, 2021
Messages: 3
I'm having trouble getting the correct ID due to this case.
I suspect it's a JTAPI bug, but does anyone know a solution?
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
I suggest you open a technical support ticket and one of my colleagues will try to help you.

Joined: May 7, 2021
Messages: 3
Thank you for your response.
I contacted technical support.
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