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Joined: Feb 4, 2021
Messages: 5

We are trying to implement click2call feature from mobile app/website. For this to achieve i am trying these 2 options as mentioned. But not able to proceed. Need urgent help on this.

Option 1: Developed a web project in Orchestration designer, there is a Click 2 call item in prompt editor and configured a constant
number on the properties. After deploying and configuring in experience portal, when i click on the click button, nothing works. please let me know what is the issue.

Option 2: Tried running sample click2call application which was available in the Orchestration designer download package, modified the run.jsp as mentioned in readme file, even this application doesn't run.

Please let me know how to achieve this

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
First I am not sure if this is the right solution for you. The sample app ClicktoCall you are referring to was provided to demonstrate a specific functionality that allows you to launch a ccxml app through a web service call from the web interface. It was not designed to be a solution. Secondly, I am aware there is a more popular product called Callback Assist from Avaya that some Avaya consultants mentioned to me they are implementing with the web interface which sounds like a better solution.
However you could try to make the sample app work but you have to verify which step is the issue and go about solving it. You have to let me know the exact error in every step you are setting this up.
Joined: Feb 4, 2021
Messages: 5
Hi Wilson,

Thanks for the reply.

Here are the steps

1) I deploy the ClicktoCall sample to Exp portal and execute the run.jsp file. The web page displays to enter Host name, Host number, Participant name and participant number.

I give all the details, in the participant number(i am specifying a VDN), please correct me if that should be different number

I have modified the run.jsp in FIX me section, makepartytopartycall method to include VPMS host name, username and pass word.

2) After entering all details when click on the call button, it throws error HTTPS STATUS 500 - Internal Server Error

An error occurred processing (jsp/run.jsp) at line 41

at line 41 is call.makecall(hostname, hostnumber, participant name, participant number)

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
Can you show the full exception stack trace?
Joined: Feb 4, 2021
Messages: 5
Hi Wilson,

here is the stack trace:


Root Cause:
javax.servlet.servletException:java.lang.linkageError: loader
constraint violation in interface itable initialization: when resolving method "callvpws.VPAppIntfServiceStub$LaunchCCXMLRequest.getOMEElement(javax/xml/namespace/Qname:Lorg/apche/axiom/om/OmFactory;) of the class loader(ParallelWebappLoader) of the current class callVPWS/VPAppintfServiceStub$LaunchCCXMLRequest and the class loader URLclassloader for Interface axis2/databinding/ADBean have class objects for the type apche/axiom/om/OMFactory used in signature
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