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Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 26
We are using AOD 7.2 & JDBC driver sqljdbc42.jar..

We are trying to connect to database through AOD 7.2 which expect protocol TSLv1.2.

We get following error
The driver could not establish a secured connection to SQL server by using secured socket layer (SSL) encryption. Error: "The server
selected protocol version TSL10 is not accepted by client preferences [TLS12]".

We have tried setting ;sslProtocol=TSLv1.2 in connection string, but still get same error. Looks like AOD is using TSL10. How do we setup AOD to use TSL1.2?

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
AOD is actually enforcing TLS1.2. However, the connection creation in the case is between the sqljdbc driver and the database. OD has nothing to do with it. Most of cases, if you have the right JAVA version (1.8+), TLS 1.2 should be used automatically. So it is more in your other configuration. You may want to find out more on the sqljdbc side.
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