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Joined: Sep 19, 2017
Messages: 21
Is there any method to handle mute or unmute using JTAPI library?


Is there any other option to handle this mute or unmute in TSAPI function with respect to JTAPI?
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Thre is no way to actually mute/unmute a phone as that is a local function of the phone.

However, it is possible to control the flow of media between parties in a call by using the Selective Listen Hold (SLH) feature. There is a full description of this in the TSAPI Programmers Guide and I think the correct JTAPI API for it is LucentV5TerminalConnection.listenHold().

A couple of warnings:
1. SLH requires there to be a TSAPI Advanced license in place.
2. SLH is a bit tricky to use. It blocks A from receiving B's media rather than blocking A from transmitting media. So, IIRC, if A, B & C are in a call and you want to mute A, you will need to SLH B from A and then SLH C from A.

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