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Joined: Jul 7, 2021
Messages: 93

There are sevral kinds of alerting events and here is information how to detect cause of forward and transfer.
Here calling sequence is as follows: 09065XXXXXX(caller)-->05030XXXXXX(topic number)-->5706(VDN)-->5003(extension number)--(forward/ConsultCall)-->5004(Alerting/Ringing)
Currently we are monitoring all extension numbers and VDNs by CallControlConnectionListener.

Summary of ALERTING event and its cause
|--------- LucentV7CallInfo --------|
eventConnection- lastRedirected- |---- V7DeviceHistoryEntry ----| |---------- OriginalCallInfo -----------| Distributing- DistributingVDNAddress-
Address CallControlEvent callingAddress calledAddress Address Old-DeviceID Cause reason callingDevice calledDevice Address Address
Always Forward unconditionally 5004 CAUSE_REDIRECTED 09065XXXXXX 05030XXXXXX 5003 NA NA NA NA NA 05030XXXXXX 5706
Forward if the phone does not answer 5004 NA 09065XXXXXX 05030XXXXXX 5003 5003 EC_CALL_FORWARD_ALWAYS NA NA NA 05030XXXXXX 5706
Forward if the phone is talking (busy) 5004 CAUSE_REDIRECTED 09065XXXXXX 05030XXXXXX 5003 5003 EC_CALL_FORWARD_ALWAYS NA NA NA 05030XXXXXX 5706
ConsultCall 5004 NA 5003 5004 null NA NA OR_CONSULTATION 09065XXXXXX 05030XXXXXX NA NA
**** NOTICE 1) NO V7DeviceHistoryEntry for "Always Forward unconditionally" and "ConsultCall"
**** NOTICE 2) NO EC_CALL_FORWARD_ALWAYS for "Always Forward unconditionally"
**** NOTICE 3) NO LucentV7CallInfo (VDN info) for "ConsultCall" though original call comes via VDN

******************** Below are logs for the summary. **************************
Always Forward unconditionally
2022/12/01 15:12:56.258 ---- connectionAlerting( CallControlConnectionEvent.CALLCTL_CONNECTION_ALERTING )
2022/12/01 15:12:56.332 - eventConnectionAddress= 5004, RINGING (97)
2022/12/01 15:12:56.332 - event Terminal Name = 5004
2022/12/01 15:12:56.333 - CallControlEvent.CAUSE_REDIRECTED (210)
2022/12/01 15:12:56.333 - Event.CAUSE_NORMAL (100)
2022/12/01 15:12:56.334 - UCID = 00001097021669842836, TsapiCallID = 9702
2022/12/01 15:12:56.337 - callingAddress = 09065XXXXXX
2022/12/01 15:12:56.356 - calledAddress = 05030XXXXXX
2022/12/01 15:12:56.359 - lastRedirectedAddress = 5003
2022/12/01 15:12:56.360 - V7CallInfo UCID = 00001097021669842836
2022/12/01 15:12:56.376 - DistributingAddress = 05030XXXXXX
2022/12/01 15:12:56.382 - DistributingVDNAddress= 5706

Forward if the phone does not answer
2022/12/01 15:17:05.808 ---- connectionAlerting( CallControlConnectionEvent.CALLCTL_CONNECTION_ALERTING )
2022/12/01 15:17:05.900 - eventConnectionAddress= 5004, RINGING (97)
2022/12/01 15:17:05.901 - event Terminal Name = 5004
2022/12/01 15:17:05.902 - Event.CAUSE_SNAPSHOT (110)
2022/12/01 15:17:05.903 - UCID = 00001097071669843075, TsapiCallID = 9707
2022/12/01 15:17:05.907 - callingAddress = 09065XXXXXX
2022/12/01 15:17:05.924 - calledAddress = 05030XXXXXX
2022/12/01 15:17:05.927 - lastRedirectedAddress = 5003
2022/12/01 15:17:05.927 - V7CallInfo UCID = 00001097071669843075
2022/12/01 15:17:05.943 - DistributingAddress = 05030XXXXXX
2022/12/01 15:17:05.944 - DistributingVDNAddress= 5706
2022/12/01 15:17:05.957 - Old CallID ? = 9707, DeviceIDType = 0 <-- V7DeviceHistoryEntry
2022/12/01 15:17:05.958 - Old DeviceID = 5003, Cause = EC_CALL_FORWARD_ALWAYS (6) <-- V7DeviceHistoryEntry

Forward if the phone is talking (busy)
2022/12/01 15:43:18.563 ---- connectionAlerting( CallControlConnectionEvent.CALLCTL_CONNECTION_ALERTING )
2022/12/01 15:43:18.665 - eventConnectionAddress= 5004, RINGING (97)
2022/12/01 15:43:18.666 - event Terminal Name = 5004
2022/12/01 15:43:18.666 - CallControlEvent.CAUSE_REDIRECTED (210)
2022/12/01 15:43:18.667 - Event.CAUSE_NORMAL (100)
2022/12/01 15:43:18.667 - UCID = 00001097181669844656, TsapiCallID = 9718
2022/12/01 15:43:18.670 - callingAddress = 09065XXXXXX
2022/12/01 15:43:18.715 - calledAddress = 05030XXXXXX, TALKING (98)
2022/12/01 15:43:18.819 - lastRedirectedAddress = 5003, TALKING (98)
2022/12/01 15:43:18.819 - V7CallInfo UCID = 00001097181669844656
2022/12/01 15:43:18.869 - DistributingAddress = 05030XXXXXX, TALKING (98)
2022/12/01 15:43:18.870 - DistributingVDNAddress= 5706
2022/12/01 15:43:18.884 - Old CallID = 9718, DeviceIDType = 0 <-- V7DeviceHistoryEntry
2022/12/01 15:43:18.973 - Old DeviceID = 5003, TALKING (98), Cause = EC_CALL_FORWARD_ALWAYS (6) <-- V7DeviceHistoryEntry

2022/12/01 16:51:34.448 ---- connectionAlerting( CallControlConnectionEvent.CALLCTL_CONNECTION_ALERTING )
2022/12/01 16:51:34.549 - eventConnectionAddress= 5004, RINGING (97)
2022/12/01 16:51:34.550 - event Terminal Name = 5004
2022/12/01 16:51:34.551 - Event.CAUSE_NORMAL (100)
2022/12/01 16:51:34.551 - UCID = 00032114511669881177, TsapiCallID = 9779
2022/12/01 16:51:34.754 - callingAddress = 5003 2, HELD (99), TALKING (98)
2022/12/01 16:51:35.063 - calledAddress = 5004 1, RINGING (97)
2022/12/01 16:51:35.785 - lastRedirectedAddress = null
2022/12/01 16:51:35.786 - OCI UUI type = null
2022/12/01 16:51:35.786 - OCI reason = OR_CONSULTATION (1) <-- OCI = OriginalCallInfo
2022/12/01 16:51:35.789 - OCI callingDevice = 09065XXXXXX <-- Caller
2022/12/01 16:51:35.886 - OCI calledDevice = 05030XXXXXX, HELD (99), TALKING (98)

Anybody who brings contradictory evidence against the log above, please let me know.

Best regards,
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Joined: Jul 7, 2021
Messages: 93
Summary in the previous message is collapsed for some reason.
So I attached this image file FYI.
Best regards,
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