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Joined: May 23, 2023
Messages: 1

We have recently implemented DMCC monitoring for our call center application and as part of the development we are retrieving userdata from getOrigCallInfo.getUserData it was all good during our development and testing. When we went live getOrigCallInfo.getUserData is empty in the xml payload. we also saw there is a getUserdata which we are not currently using. Hence which userdata should we be using to retrieve userdata?

Also during the call is transfered from agent to another agent, what event gets triggered. Does ontransfer event or even the ondelivered event is triggered during call transfer from agent to agent.

Any help would be appreciated as I have very limited knowledge on DMCC

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Original Call Information (OCI) is only filled in under certain circumstances. That is during a call merge (conference or transfer) where the original data is being changed. Other than that, the UserData is generally in the body of the event.

There is some more information on this in the FAQ:

Though, the FAQ is dealing mainly with Call IDs.

As you are using DMCC Call Control features, please make dure to download a copy of "TSAPI for Avaya Communication Manager Programmer's Reference". It gives in-depth information on the data provided by events and what they hold.

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