Author Message
Joined: Nov 22, 2013
Messages: 4
I would like to know how would i disable the application logging through application logging web service?

Actually i am facing an issue an issue with this functionality. The application works fine but when application logs are getting inserted into Voice Portal that time i get following error : BatchLogWriter:updateLastVpmsDown() - VPMS is DOWN even though i am able to access/ping/telnet the VPMS server.

Following is the stack trace :

2014-01-17 12:25:32,033 80373 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBase:getReportUrl() - report URL is:
2014-01-17 12:25:32,033 80373 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:setReportUrlSecondary() - secondary vpms reporturl: null
2014-01-17 12:25:32,033 80373 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:setAppName() - Application Name passed by MPP: Test_TC01
2014-01-17 12:25:32,033 80373 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:setDDAppName() - DDAppName = Es_speech_Greenfield
2014-01-17 12:25:32,033 80373 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBase:getUserId() - User ID is SET
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBase:getPassword() - Password is SET
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:setLogLevel() - Log Level set to: Info
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPmaxbackuplogfiles = 10
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPbreadcrumb = disabled
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPVarAppURL =
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPappname = Test_TC01
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPVarAppDate = 0
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPloglevel = Info
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - session___vpreporturl =
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPlogname = admin
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - session___sessionid = AVAMP003-2014017122529-39
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - ddtrace = true
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPlogpassword has value
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientBAse:printParametersFromMPP() - __VPapploggingurl =
2014-01-17 12:25:32,048 80388 [http-9090-Processor25] INFO - ReportWriter:Constructor() - reportUrl: ||appName = Test_TC01 ||appid = AVAMP003-2014017122529-39 ||filepath = D:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-production\webapps\Es_speech_Greenfield\..\..\logs\ ||breadcrum enabled = false
2014-01-17 12:25:32,329 80669 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Error ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Show general release: ||variableName=GeneralRelease ||variableData=----------------------------------
General release information:
customer: Essent
name: Greenfield-flow
main-release: 1.0.0
creation-date: 02-07-2010
date-last-modified: 02-07-2010
author: Stijn Van Rompaey
description: General description
||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:showReleaseInformation
2014-01-17 12:25:32,360 80700 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:25:32,360 80700 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Show component release ||variableName=ComponentRelease ||variableData=----------------------------------
Release information of components:
Number of components: 14
name: main-flow
release: 1.0.0
date-last-modified: 02-07-2010
author: Stijn Van Rompaey
description: Changes regarding main flow
name: nuance-grammars
release: 1.0.0
date-last-modified: 02-07-2010
author: Stijn Van Rompaey
description: Changes regarding nuance grammars
name: JMS-connector
release: 1.0.0
date-last-modified: 02-07-2010
author: Stijn Van Rompaey
description: Changes regarding JMS-connector
name: TIBCO-connector
release: 1.0.0
date-last-modified: 02-07-2010
author: Stijn Van Rompaey
description: Changes regarding TIBCO-connector
name: Database-changes
release: 1.0.0
date-last-modified: 02-07-2010
author: Stijn Van Rompaey
description: Changes regarding database
name: Meetpunten
release: 2.0.0
date-last-modified: 10-01-2013
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Changes regarding Optimalisatie Rapportering
name: CTI Integration
release: 3.0.0
date-last-modified: 05-11-2012
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Changes regarding integration with AES and removal of integration with IC
name: CDU Integration
release: 3.1.0
date-last-modified: 05-11-2012
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Integration with CDU[Component of ThinConnect]
name: Database Changes
release: 3.2.0
date-last-modified: 05-11-2012
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Change of database from Oracle to MSSQL
name: Addition of TOV
release: 3.3.0
date-last-modified: 10-01-2013
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Addition of TOV
name: Addition of TOV
release: 3.3.1
date-last-modified: 11-01-2013
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Addition of 2 more TOV
name: ANI recognition
release: 3.4.1
date-last-modified: 26-03-2013
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: ANI recognition feature
name: Addition of SOHO segment
release: 3.4.2
date-last-modified: 03-07-2013
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Addition of SOHO segment
name: Addition of Special Routing Feature
release: 3.5.0
date-last-modified: 06-11-2013
author: Chinmay Prabhu
description: Addition of Special Routing Feature
||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:showReleaseInformation
2014-01-17 12:25:32,360 80700 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:25:32,376 80716 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Es_speech_Greenfield is running in Production-modus ||variableName=- ||variableData=- ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:isProeftuin_Test_DNIS
2014-01-17 12:25:32,376 80716 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:25:32,563 80903 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Report : ||variableName=- ||variableData=- ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:SetOtherDefaults
2014-01-17 12:25:32,563 80903 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:25:41,705 90045 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Report : Current value of custid tries is : ||variableName=trials:custid ||variableData=1 ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:IncreaseTriesCustID
2014-01-17 12:25:41,705 90045 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:26:00,113 108453 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Report : ||variableName=G_Segment ||variableData=01 ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:CheckSegmentAndTOV
2014-01-17 12:26:00,113 108453 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:26:00,113 108453 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Report : ||variableName=G_TOV ||variableData=05 ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:CheckSegmentAndTOV
2014-01-17 12:26:00,113 108453 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:26:00,175 108515 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Suketu : Greenfield VDN is : ||variableName=G_RouteToGreenfieldVDN ||variableData=86005 ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:FindGreenfieldVDN
2014-01-17 12:26:00,175 108515 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:26:00,191 108531 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=Transfer to Greenfield VDN ||reason=VDN is ||variableName=G_RouteToGreenfieldVDN ||variableData=86005 ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:TransferToGreenfieldVDN
2014-01-17 12:26:00,191 108531 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:26:01,096 109436 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report() - level: Info ||type=In Progress ||transactionName=- ||reason=Query : ||variableName=query ||variableData=Record Inserted successfully. ||userLogInfo=undefined ||moduleIdNodeId=Es_speech_Greenfield:Print
2014-01-17 12:26:01,096 109436 [http-9090-Processor25] DEBUG - ReportWriter:report(): Added VP4.x log entries
2014-01-17 12:26:02,110 110450 [Timer-80] DEBUG - ReportWriter:close() - entries size = 10
2014-01-17 12:26:02,110 110450 [Timer-80] INFO - ReportWriter:close() - Adding LogEvent with size 10 to EventQueue
2014-01-17 12:26:02,110 110450 [Timer-80] DEBUG - BatchLogWriterBase:checkLogWriterInstance() - backup log file path: D:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-production\webapps\Es_speech_Greenfield\..\..\logs\
2014-01-17 12:26:02,125 110465 [Timer-80] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientPropertie:getValue: valueStr = 500 property = batchsize defaultValue = 500
2014-01-17 12:26:02,125 110465 [Timer-80] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientPropertie:getValue: valueStr = 1 property = batchdelay defaultValue = 1
2014-01-17 12:26:02,125 110465 [Timer-80] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientPropertie:getValue: valueStr = 100 property = maxlogfilesizemb defaultValue = 100
2014-01-17 12:26:02,125 110465 [Timer-80] DEBUG - VPAppLogClientPropertie:getValue: valueStr = 3 property = sendretrycount defaultValue = 3
2014-01-17 12:26:02,125 110465 [Timer-80] DEBUG - BatchLogWriterBase:Constructor batchsize=500 batchDelay=1 maxLogFileSize=100 sendRetryCount=3
2014-01-17 12:26:02,125 110465 [Timer-80] DEBUG - BatchLogWriterBase:checkLogWriteInstance() - logWriterMap could not find a value for key: New BatchLogWriter thread
2014-01-17 12:26:02,125 110465 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchLogWriter:run() - adding 10 to the events
2014-01-17 12:27:02,186 170526 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchWriter:run() - events size > 0, force count to batchsize: 500
2014-01-17 12:27:02,186 170526 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - Setting retry count to 3
2014-01-17 12:27:02,186 170526 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - Getting Report URL to log from Report Handler:
2014-01-17 12:27:02,358 170698 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - BEGIN Logging log entry size: 10 to URL: from AE server: S030A1860 First SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39 Last SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39
2014-01-17 12:27:02,405 170745 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] ERROR - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - Caught Remote Exception FAILED with error: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments to log entry size: 10 to URL: from AE server: S030A1860 First SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39 Last SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39
faultCode: {}Server.userException
faultString: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
{}stackTrace:java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.Message.setup(
at org.apache.axis.Message.<init>(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.VPReport4SoapBindingStub.reportBatch(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.BatchLogWriter.logBatch(


java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.AxisFault.makeFault(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.VPReport4SoapBindingStub.reportBatch(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.BatchLogWriter.logBatch(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.Message.setup(
at org.apache.axis.Message.<init>(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
... 3 more
2014-01-17 12:27:02,405 170745 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:updateLastVpmsDown() - VPMS is DOWN, record the time:17/01/14 12:27:02 o'clock GMT report URL:
2014-01-17 12:27:03,419 171759 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - NEED RETRY: Getting next Report URL from handler:
2014-01-17 12:27:03,419 171759 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - Getting Report URL to log from Report Handler:
2014-01-17 12:27:03,419 171759 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - BEGIN Logging log entry size: 10 to URL: from AE server: S030A1860 First SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39 Last SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39
2014-01-17 12:27:03,419 171759 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] ERROR - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - Caught Remote Exception FAILED with error: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments to log entry size: 10 to URL: from AE server: S030A1860 First SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39 Last SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39
faultCode: {}Server.userException
faultString: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
{}stackTrace:java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.Message.setup(
at org.apache.axis.Message.<init>(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.VPReport4SoapBindingStub.reportBatch(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.BatchLogWriter.logBatch(


java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.AxisFault.makeFault(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.VPReport4SoapBindingStub.reportBatch(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.BatchLogWriter.logBatch(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.Message.setup(
at org.apache.axis.Message.<init>(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
... 3 more
2014-01-17 12:27:04,433 172773 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - NEED RETRY: Getting next Report URL from handler:
2014-01-17 12:27:04,433 172773 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - Getting Report URL to log from Report Handler:
2014-01-17 12:27:04,433 172773 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - BEGIN Logging log entry size: 10 to URL: from AE server: S030A1860 First SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39 Last SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39
2014-01-17 12:27:04,433 172773 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] ERROR - BatchLogWriter:logBatch() - Caught Remote Exception FAILED with error: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments to log entry size: 10 to URL: from AE server: S030A1860 First SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39 Last SID: AVAMP003-2014017122529-39
faultCode: {}Server.userException
faultString: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
{}stackTrace:java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.Message.setup(
at org.apache.axis.Message.<init>(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.VPReport4SoapBindingStub.reportBatch(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.BatchLogWriter.logBatch(


java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.AxisFault.makeFault(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.VPReport4SoapBindingStub.reportBatch(
at com.avaya.vp.applog.client.BatchLogWriter.logBatch(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments
at org.apache.axis.Message.setup(
at org.apache.axis.Message.<init>(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
... 3 more
2014-01-17 12:27:05,447 173787 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriterBase:createDirectoryStructure() Save log file path directory does not exist, go create: D:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-production\webapps\Es_speech_Greenfield\..\..\logs\
2014-01-17 12:27:05,447 173787 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchLogWriterBase:needDeleteOldestLogFile() - currentLogIndex: 0 Current Entries size: 4478 Total allow file size = 100000000
2014-01-17 12:27:05,447 173787 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] DEBUG - BatchLogWriterBase:needCreateNewLogFile() - needCreateNewLogFile: currentLogIndex: 0 Current Entries size: 4478 Total allow file size = 100000000
2014-01-17 12:27:05,447 173787 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriterBase:createNewLogFile() New log file has been created: D:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-production\webapps\Es_speech_Greenfield\..\..\logs\\savereport.log.1 name: savereport.log.1
2014-01-17 12:27:05,447 173787 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:doSaveToFile() - doSaveFile:Saving Report batch 10 entries to D:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-production\webapps\Es_speech_Greenfield\..\..\logs\\savereport.log.1
2014-01-17 12:27:05,447 173787 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] INFO - BatchLogWriter:run() - Event Queue is EMPTY, Planning to exit the thread
2014-01-17 12:27:05,447 173787 [VPBatchLogWriterThread:] WARN - BatchLogWriter:run() - BatchLogWriter thread is EXITING!!!

Hence i need to know if I can turn off this feature of logging entirely as we do not require it. Or otherwise i need any mechanism so that it is not captured in STDOUT logs

Thanks and Regards,

Chinmay Prabhu
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
Maybe try blanking out the user and password for Application Reporting on VPMS.
Are you sure you don't want to look into the problem? You would need to contact Avaya support on this though since it's a platform issue.
Joined: Nov 22, 2013
Messages: 4
I tried what you suggested, but it seems that the username and password filed on Voice Portal is a mandatory field. It does not allow me to keep it blank.

But I don't understand one point, there is no firewall between application server and Voice Portal server. Also i am able to ping/telnet/access/open the URL of the application reporting URL from the application server which indicates that there is no blockage for the URL. But still it gives me VPMS down.

But still it gives me the error. Well the customer doesn't want this feature to be enabled in their environment. Is there any setting which does not allow __VPlogname value to be passed to the application?

I am guessing if __VPlogname and __VPlogpassword variable of session is not getting filled up, then the application logging will be disabled.
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 2652
Please contact Voice Portal support for additional information on this issue. I believe if you set the "Call Flow Data Sample rate to 0" and if the application does not add any additional report nodes then there will be not reporting.

Hi Ross,

Thanks for the reply.

I observed that the reporting is enabled when MPP passes some variables [__VPapploggingurl,__VPlogname etc] to the application which enables this logging.

But when i used the MPP VXML scripts to route the call to application, it did not pass those values, because of which it did not try and attempt to write the report logs into the VP.

So in a way it seems that the issue is resolved, since it could not find value in __VPapploggingurl. :)

Thanks and Regards,

Chinmay Prabhu.
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