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Joined: Aug 17, 2011
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Does anyone developed interface with Avaya ACE Webservices - CallNotification using .Net ?
Appreciate any sample code (authentication + how to consume webservices , which objects , etc )
Also if anyone has developed webservice for notifyCallEvent interface.
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1139
Location: Rural, Virginia
The examples I have are Java. I have some slidware on using .Net, sorry about the lack of formatting.

Network firewall
Call notification is not NAT safe so do not have a firewall between the call notification client and ACE
Software firewall
Application is opening a SOAP endpoint so any software firewall must be configured to expose that port to ACE
Notification handling
Acknowledge received notification as soon as possible allowing ACE to proceed to next notification delivery (limited number of HTTP client threads in ACE)
ACE sequences notification delivery to application based on SOAP endpoint and DN/call session identifier
Use multiple receiving threads on application endpoint
Provides better throughput for notification delivery

Using WSDL in Visual Studio 2010

To generate client-side code for call notification manager interface:
Right click on project node and select "Add Service Reference"
In the new "Add Service Reference" dialog do not fill in anything, instead click on the "Advanced..." button
New dialog "Service Reference Settings" opens, click on the "Add Web Reference..." button
Fill in your ACE web reference information (remember to use the "service" WSDL file

Using Visual Studio 2010 to generate notification server-side code

You can't
Visual Studio does not provide facilities for generating server-side endpoint provider code
Third party plug-ins exist to help (e.g. WSCF.Blue) # note we are not endorsing this product, just pointing it out.
Server-side implementation specific to Microsoft technology used in application solution
ASP.Net versus WCF versus ?
Wsdl.exe versus svcutil.exe
Coding through Google
Good examples can be found on MSN and developer blogs based on specific solution toolki

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