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Joined: Jun 11, 2009
Messages: 0
Hi Guys,

Is there a way I could kill the sessions of the caller accessing the application in the end of the call. Somehow I find some active sessions that are not on current date. causing to locked some channels.

Joined: Jun 11, 2009
Messages: 0
Hi Guys,

The application is accessing a web service using Axis 2 below is the code we used to connect and parse:

public class parse extends com.avaya.sce.runtime.BasicServlet {

   private static final String BARRED = "CBAR";
   private static final String SBARRED = "SBAR";
    * Default constructor Last generated by Dialog Designer at: 2013-OCT-17
    * 10:26:08 AM
   public parse() {

    * This method allows for custom integration with other Java components. You
    * may use Java for sophisticated logic or to integrate with custom
    * connectors (i.e. JMS, custom web services, sockets, XML, JAXB, etc.)
    * Any custom code added here should work as efficiently as possible to
    * prevent delays. It's important to design your callflow so that the voice
    * browser (Voice Portal/IR) is not waiting too long for a response as this
    * can lead to a poor caller experience. Additionally, if the response to
    * the client voice browser exceeds the configured timeout, the platform may
    * throw an "error.badfetch".
    * Using this method, you have access to all session variables through the
    * SCESession object.
    * The code generator will *** NOT *** overwrite this method in the future.
    * Last generated by Dialog Designer at: 2013-OCT-17 10:26:08 AM
   public void servletImplementation(
         com.avaya.sce.runtimecommon.SCESession mySession) {

      // TODO: Add your code here!
      IVariable x = mySession

      String mob_num = x.getComplexVariable().getField(

      String ProductType = x.getComplexVariable().getField(IProjectVariables.GET_ASSIGNED_PRODUCT_DETAILS_FIELD_PRODUCTTYPE)

      IVariable var = mySession.getVariable(IProjectVariables.SUBS_STATUS);
      IVariable var2 = mySession.getVariable(IProjectVariables.SUB_STATUS_2);

      try {

         OrderingServiceStub stub = new OrderingServiceStub();

         GetAssignedProductDetails req = new GetAssignedProductDetails();

         MSISDN_type15 msisdn = new MSISDN_type15();

         OutputFieldsFilterCriteria ptype = new OutputFieldsFilterCriteria();

         GetAssignedProductDetailsE param = new GetAssignedProductDetailsE();

         GetAssignedProductDetailsResponseE respE = stub

         ///System.out.println("Product Type:" + ptype);
         System.out.println("Mobile Number: " + msisdn);
         // System.out.println("Subscriber Status: " +
         // respE.getGetAssignedProductDetailsResponse().getGetAssignedProductDetailsResult()
         // .getAssignedProducts().getAssignedProduct());

         Boolean isBarred = FALSE;
         Boolean SBarred = FALSE;
         if (isValidResponse(respE)) {
            for (AssignedProductDetails assignedProduct : respE
                  .getAssignedProducts().getAssignedProduct()) {
               if (assignedProduct.getProductType() != null) {
                  if (BARRED.equals(assignedProduct.getProductType()
                        .getValueAsString())) {
                     isBarred = TRUE;
                  else if (SBARRED.equals(assignedProduct.getProductType()
                        .getValueAsString())) {
                     SBarred = TRUE;

         System.out.println("SUB IS BARRED: " + isBarred);
         System.out.println("SUB IS SBARRED: " + SBarred);


      } catch (AxisFault e) {
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
      } catch (Exception e) {

   private boolean isValidResponse(GetAssignedProductDetailsResponseE response) {
      return response != null
            && response.getGetAssignedProductDetailsResponse() != null
            && response.getGetAssignedProductDetailsResponse()
                  .getGetAssignedProductDetailsResult() != null
            && response.getGetAssignedProductDetailsResponse()
                  .getAssignedProducts() != null;

Now during our testing we can see that it normally end the session but when large volume of calls came in/ during production then the issue encountered, which some sessions are getting hung/locked, that's why we need to know if there is a way we could end the session in our application. Or any enhancement on the code to fix this.

Joined: Nov 11, 2013
Messages: 14
Carl, we may suggest, the issue with large volume is due to exceeding the fetch timeout of 15 secs and MPP is killing the session with a fetch timeout. You should check sessionslot logs on the MPP to see if that is the case.
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