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Joined: Mar 29, 2010
Messages: 0
Hi All,

i want to monitor set of extension (not all extn). I'm implementing this requirement as follow,

1. Get provider object
2. for each extn, get address object (Provider.getAddress(extn))
3. create thread for each address.

Is there any API methods available to get address for set of extn and monitor that.

Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 0
No, there isn't any api to getAddress objects for set of extensions.
Joined: Dec 23, 2013
Messages: 0
Hi Vishal

A follow up question in monitoring multiple extensions:

what is the recommended way to monitor multiple extensions? Thread or Thread pool approach seems to be huge performance overhead for the platform. Is it the only way out or is there any known better way?

Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 0

I am not sure what are you trying to achieve by creating a thread for each address object.

But here is some information that might help you design your application. You can add observers to stations , events will be sent across to the respective observers for the stations. Threads that deliver these events via callback to the observer are the threads that JTAPI client spawns. Now as long as your application lives or does not remove those observers , you should be able to get all the events on all these observers.

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