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Joined: Nov 12, 2013
Messages: 21

The "was set trace" command settings should definitely be taking effect when that command completes. If you give it malformed values, however, those will be silently ignored. To see which ones are in effect run "was show trace".

We technically don't allow use of the WAS console, nor the setting of JVM parameters. But you've found a way that might work. I say might, because we normally fix the WAS JVM parameters during start up time, and changed whether we honored the console settings at different times and in different releases.

To verify that they are taking effect, use the "ps" command to see what arguments are being passed to the WAS JVM. A convenient shortcut is "was ps" (it knows which process is actually the was JVM).

Joined: Jun 3, 2015
Messages: 448
ARG, I had that in when I was attempting to use Jersey. But when it was suggested to use the built in apache instead, I copied over the code for HttPClientSingleton, and it wiped it out :(

So this problem is solved I suppose, however I never did see the java debug messages in the log like I was supposed to. Why would that be?

sslContext = SSLUtilityFactory.createSSLContext(SSLProtocolType.TLSv1_2);

Joined: Jun 3, 2015
Messages: 448
Ok your response would make sense then as to why the debug settings never show up in the trace. So this problem is solved, on to the next. Thanks for your responsiveness.
Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780
Thanks for letting us know that you're good to go!
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