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Joined: Dec 23, 2013
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I try to implement single step conference by JTAPI as follow,
After getting connection established event, application is calling addParty() method.

connectionEstablished {
   <If all existing parties are in connected state >
/* Get LucentV5Call object */
LucentV5Call lucentCallObject=(LucentV5Call)arg0.getCall();
Connection addedPartyconn=lucentCallObject.addParty("604",false);
Here 604 has been conference successfully. But control does not return from addParty method. Hence I am not able to receive jtapi events further. Also I tried with CallControlCall. addParty() and I've faced same issue.

Note: I'm not getting any errors. Please find the debug logs below.
AES version: 4.2
CM version: 5.1
JTAPI version:


2010-05-20 16:50:19,654 [pool-1-thread-3] TRACE com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7CallImpl - --> addParty[String newParty, boolean active]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7CallImpl@ca8327
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - LucentSingleStepConferenceCall ::=
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - {
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - activeCall
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - {
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - callID 3618
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - deviceID "61084552"
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - devIDType 0 < STATIC_ID >
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - }
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - deviceToBeJoin "604"
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - participationType 0 < PT_SILENT >
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - alertDestination FALSE
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - }
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] INFO com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - Sent InvokeID 18 for TSProvider[#1]@ca8327
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - CSTAEscapeSvc ::=
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - {
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - NULL
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - }
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - TsapiPrivate ::=
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - {
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - vendor "ECS"
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - data 2 0 41 0 30 1e 30 11 2 2 e 22 16 8 36 31 30 38 34 35 35 32 a 1 0 16 3 36 30 34 a 1 0 1 1 0
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - tsType 89
2010-05-20 16:50:19,669 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - }
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] INFO com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - Received invokeID 18 for TSProvider[#1]@ca8327
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - CSTAEscapeSvcConfEvent ::=
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - {
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - NULL
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - }
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - TsapiPrivate ::=
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - {
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - vendor "ECS"
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - data 2 0 42 0 30 81 87 30 c 2 2 e 22 16 3 36 30 34 a 1 0 30 61 30 25 30 11 2 2 e 22 16 8 36 31 30 38 34 35 35 32 a 1 0 30 10 16 8 36 31 30 38 34 35 35 32 a 1 14 a 1 0 30 1b 30 c 2 2 e 22 16 3 37 33 31 a 1 0 30 b 16 3 37 33 31 a 1 37 a 1 0 30 1b 30 c 2 2 e 22 16 3 36 30 34 a 1 0 30 b 16 3 36 30 34 a 1 37 a 1 0 16 14 30 39 39 39 39 30 33 36 31 38 31 32 37 34 33 35 34 31 30 33
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - tsType 90
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiSession - }
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [GetEventThread] INFO com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiEventQueue - Putting event CSTAEvent[CSTAEscapeSvcConfEvent]@763f5d. EVENT Q SIZE = 1 MAX Q SIZE = 1 for TSProvider[#1]@ca8327
2010-05-20 16:50:21,576 [DistributeCSTAEvent] INFO com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.tsapiInterface.TsapiEventQueue - Getting event CSTAEvent[CSTAEscapeSvcConfEvent]@763f5d for TSProvider[#1]@ca8327
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - LucentSingleStepConferenceCallConfEvent ::=
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - {
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - newCall
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - {
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - callID 3618
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - deviceID "604"
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - devIDType 0 < STATIC_ID >
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - }
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - connList
2010-05-20 16:50:21,591 [DistributeCSTAEvent] DEBUG com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.csta1.LucentPrivateData - {

Joined: Dec 23, 2013
Messages: 0

We are waiting for your reply. Can you please provide any suggestion on this issue?

Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 0

Are you initiating a addParty request in the callback method of the listener ? If yes, thats not a recommended way.

To initiate a second round of requests in this case (addParty), please make sure you spawn a separate thread to do that.
Joined: Dec 23, 2013
Messages: 0
Hi Vishal,
Thanks for your input. I can add party in to existing call by calling LucentV5Call.addParty() in separate thread. Also I can drop the added party from call by calling Connection.disconnect() method.

I go through API documentation for disconnect method. while calling disconnect() method, there is possibility to drop entire call. If call have only 2 connection, I try to disconnect one of the connection. Then entire call may have been dropped as result of this method. We don't have any issue on this scenario.

But if call have more than 2 connection and try to disconnect one of the connection by calling disconnect method, is it possible to drop entire call? If so, can you please provide criteria on this(dropping entire call)? Do we have any other possible option to drop the party alone(not entire call) from call?

From API: Connection.disconnect()
Invoking this method may result in the entire telephone call being dropped, which is a permitted outcome of this method.
Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Messages: 0
If you want to drop the entire call you can consider using drop api exposed via CallControlCall interface.
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