Reference Library
IServiceProvider Interface
Defines all the interfaces for ServiceProvider.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public interface IServiceProvider
Public Interface IServiceProvider
public interface class IServiceProvider
All MembersMethodsEvents

ChangeDeviceSecurityCode(String, String, String, Object)
Request the server to change a security code for a device.

Lets the application know if auto keep alive is enabled.

GetDeviceIdList(String, Object)
Sends a GetDeviceIdList message to the server.

Sends a getDeviceIdList message to the server.

Retrieves the last XML message which was received by the service provider.

GetMonitorList(String, Object)
Sends a getMonitorList message to the server.

Sends a getMonitorList message to the server.

GetPhysicalDeviceInformation(String, Object)
Get the Physical Device Information for the specified Device Id.

Supported in: 5.2.0

GetPhysicalDeviceName(String, Object)
Get the Physical Device Name for the specified Device Id.

Supported in: 5.2.0

Sends a getSessionIdList message to the server.

GetTimeOfDay(String, Object)
This request allows the client application to obtain the switch timestamp information for the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

Supported in: 6.3.0

Handler registration for responses to ChangeSystemStatusFilter requests.

Supported in: 6.2.0

Handler for ConvertDialStringToE164Response responses.

Handler for ConvertE164ToDialStringResponse responses.

Handler for GetDeviceIdListEvent events.

Handler for GetDeviceIdListResponse responses.

Handler for GetMonitorListEventHandler events.

Handler for GetMonitorListResponse responses.

Event registration for responses to GetPhysicalDeviceInformation requests.

Supported in: 5.2.0

Event registration for responses to GetPhysicalDeviceName requests.

Supported in: 5.2.0

Handler for GetSessionIdListResponse responses.

Handler for responses to GetTimeOfDay requests.

Supported in: 6.3.0

Handler for Missed Keep Alive events. This event comes in if the server has missed at least one keep alive.

Handler registration for responses to RequestSystemStatus requests.

Supported in: 6.2.0

Handler for ResetApplicationSession responses.

Handler for Server Connection Down events. This event is sent if the socket to the AE Services server has gone down for some reason.

The recovery action to take for this event is to call reconnect on the application’s ServiceProvider instance. This method will attempt to open a new socket to the AE Services server, and to reestablish the existing session with a new socket. If successful, the application should be able to resume operations without reestablishing its state although your application may have missed some events. To be sure that you know the current state of the lamps, hookswitch, display and etc., you will have to query for those states using getLampState, getHookswitch, getDisplay and etc. to update the states. The operation may fail if the network is down, or if the session has been terminated on the AE Services server because the cleanup timer expired. If the session has already been terminated by the server, the getError() method associated with the received StartApplicationSessionResponse will contain a StartApplicationSessionNegResponse XML string with additional information about the reconnect failure.

Handler for Server Connection Not Active events. This event is sent if a message was received by the AE Services server but the session has timed out and it has been placed in the inactive state. A session enters the inactive state if the Application Session Duration expires before a ResetApplicationSessionTimer message is received. Upon receiving this event, an application should take the same recovery action as for the ServerConnectionDownEvent.

Event registration for responses to StartSessionManagementMonitor requests.

Event registration for responses to StopSessionManagementMonitor requests.

Event registration for responses to SetSessionCharacteristics request.

Supported in: 5.2.0

Handler for StartApplcationSession responses.

Handler for StopApplicaitonSession responses.

Event registration for SystemRegisterAbort.

Supported in: 6.2.0

Handler registration for responses to SystemRegisterCancel requests.

Supported in: 6.2.0

Handler registration for responses to SystemRegister requests.

Supported in: 6.2.0

Event registration for SystemStatus.

Supported in: 6.2.0

Handler for TransferMonitorObjectsEvent events.

Handler for TransferMonitorObjectsResponse responses.

Reconnect(String, Object)
Sends a StartApplicationSession message to the server. If sessionId is not null then the server will try to reconnect a session that has timed out or become inactive.

ResetApplicationSession(Object, Int32)
Send a ResetApplicationSession XML message to the server.

SessionManagementStartMonitor(ServiceProvider..::..SessionManagementEvents, String, Object)
Request monitoring on the links.

SessionManagementStopMonitor(String, Object)
Turn a monitor off.

SetSessionCharacteristics(ServiceProvider..::..SetSessionCharacteristicsDeviceIdType, ServiceProvider..::..SetSessionCharacteristicsEventFilterMode, Object)
Sends a SetSessionCharacteristics message to the server

Supported in: 5.2.0

ShutDown(ServiceProvider..::..ServiceProviderObjectDeactivatedEventArgs..::..ServiceProviderObjectDeactivatedReason, String)
Allows the application to tell the Service Provider to shutdown. The Service Provider will in turn notify ThirdPartyCallControl, CallInformationLink, and all the Devices that have been created to also shut down. The Devices in turn will notify their Phone objects. The Phone Pbjects will in turn notify their Media Objects. Calling this method will also force the socket to the server to be closed. Therefore, once this method returns control to the application the application should not invoke any methods which will result in a message being sent to the server. If the application does do this then exceptions will be thrown back to the application. Note: The API provides a callback (OnObjectDeactivatedEvent) for all publicly exposed objects. This will allow the application the ability to easily be notified when an object has bee shutdown (deactivated).

StartApplicationSession(String, Int32, String, String, String, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, Object, Boolean, Boolean)
Sends a StartApplicationSession message to the server.

StartApplicationSession(String, Int32, String, String, String, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, Object, Boolean, Boolean, LocalCertificateSelectionCallback)
Sends a StartApplicationSession message to the server.

Tell the API to start automatically sending the ResetApplicationSession messages every InernalInMs milliseconds. 1,000 milliseconds is 1 second. If the API is already sending messages then it will cease doing so on the previous interval.

StopApplicationSession(String, Object)
Sends a Stop ApplicationSession XML message to the server. If Devices have objects that are registered the API will attempt to unregister them BEFORE sending this message. In general, the application should have unregistered all devices (and processed the unregistration response) BEFORE invoking this method.

Stops the ResetApplicationSession messages from automatically being sent to the server.

TransferMonitorObjects(String, String, Object)
Sends a transferMonitorObjects message to the server.

ValidateDeviceSecurityCode(String, String, Object)
Request the server to validate a security code for a device.

Assembly: ServiceProvider (Module: ServiceProvider)