Interface ActiveParticipant

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ActiveParticipant
    extends Participant
    Interface representing active conference participant.
    • Method Detail

      • getConnectionStatus

        ParticipantConnectionStatus getConnectionStatus()
        Returns the connection status of the participant.
        Participant's connection status, as known to the conferencing system.
      • getVideoStatus

        ParticipantMediaStatus getVideoStatus()
        Returns the video status of the participant.
        Participant's video status, as known to the conferencing system.
      • isVideoBlockedByServer

        boolean isVideoBlockedByServer()
        Indicates participant's video blocked (i.e., transmission) status, as known by the conferencing system.
        true if participant's video is blocked, false otherwise.
      • controlRemoteCamera

        void controlRemoteCamera​(CameraControl command,
                                 CallCompletionHandler handler)
        Initiate remote camera control command. If the far-end camera does not support remote camera commands, the command fails.
        command - Remote CameraControl command.
        handler - The CallCompletionHandler object that wants to learn about the result of the operation, i.e., whether it was successful.
      • getAudioStatus

        ParticipantMediaStatus getAudioStatus()
        Returns the audio status of the participant.
        Participant's audio status, as known to the conferencing system.
      • isAudioMutedByServer

        boolean isAudioMutedByServer()
        Indicates participant's audio mute status, as known by the conferencing system.
        true if participant's audio is muted, false otherwise.
      • isActiveAudioParticipant

        boolean isActiveAudioParticipant()
        Indicates as to whether the participant is an audio participant.
        true if participant is an audio participant, false otherwise.
      • isActiveVideoParticipant

        boolean isActiveVideoParticipant()
        Indicates as to whether the participant is a video participant.
        true if participant is an video participant, false otherwise.
      • isApplicationSharingActive

        boolean isApplicationSharingActive()
        Indicates whether the participant's web collaboration is active.
        True if this participant's web collaboration is active, false otherwise.
      • isHandRaised

        boolean isHandRaised()
        Indicates whether the participant's hand is raised.
        true if the participant's hand is raised, false otherwise.
      • getHandRaisedTime

        java.util.Date getHandRaisedTime()
        The time participant has raised hand. Return value is null if hand is lowered or never raised.
      • getHandLoweredTime

        java.util.Date getHandLoweredTime()
        The time participant has lowered hand. Return value is null if hand is raised or never lowered.
      • lowerHand

        void lowerHand​(boolean unmuteAudio,
                       CallCompletionHandler completionHandler)
        Called by the moderator to lower the hand of another participant.
        unmuteAudio - Boolean value indicates as to whether the participant whose hand is lowered is to be unmuted.
        completionHandler - The CallCompletionHandler object that wants to learn about the result of the operation, i.e., whether it was successful.
      • IsCameraRemoteControllable

        boolean IsCameraRemoteControllable()
        Information as to whether the participant's camera is controllable.
      • isModerator

        boolean isModerator()
        Indicates whether the participant is a moderator.
        true if the participant is a moderator, false otherwise.
      • isRestrictedParticipant

        boolean isRestrictedParticipant()
        Returns true if the participant has limited capabilities. Restricted participant cannot be lecturer or presenter and cannot become a normal participant. Restricted participant has no moderator controls and can only have a single receive-only video stream. Restricted participant cannot unblock camera and send video, or cannot perform remote camera control operations (e.g., control camera of a remote room system). Restricted participant is muted by the conference server by default, and can only be unmuted by the moderator, e.g., by getting moderator's attention to be unmuted through raise hand mechanism.
        True if the participant has limited capabilities, false otherwise.
      • wasPreviouslyNotVisibleInParticipantList

        boolean wasPreviouslyNotVisibleInParticipantList()
        Returns true if the participant was on the conference but previously not visible in the conference roster. This can happen when there are more participants on the conference call than what can be provided by the conference server in the roster. When/if this hidden user becomes visible and gets added to the roster, the client can use this property to identify that this participant was already in the conference (and not just entering the meeting). The client application can use this property to update its UI accordingly: for example adding a special badge icon for this participant or adding the participant to a different list.
        True if the participant was previously not visible in roster, false otherwise.
      • isPresenter

        boolean isPresenter()
        Indicates whether the participant is a presenter.
        true if the participant is a presenter, false otherwise.
      • isLecturer

        boolean isLecturer()
        Indicates whether the participant is a lecturer.
        true if the participant is a lecturer, false otherwise.
      • pinVideo

        void pinVideo​(float destinationXCoordinate,
                      float destinationYCoordinate,
                      CallCompletionHandler handler)
        Requests for a specific participant's video to be pinned in a certain area of the video image. The destination coordinates can be any point within a video region inside the video image. They do not have to be a point at the boundary of the video region. In order to undo a previous video pin operation, the application needs to call Conference.setVideoLayout and specify the VideoLayoutType.DYNAMIC layout option.
        destinationXCoordinate - Horizontal coordinate of the participant's final video position in the video image. The float type value in range (0.0, 1.0), with 0.0 referring to the left most side, and 1.0 to the right most side of the video image.
        destinationYCoordinate - Vertical coordinate of the participant's final video position in the video image. The float type value in range (0.0, 1.0), with 0.0 referring to the top, and 1.0 to the bottom of the video image.
        handler - CallCompletionHandler object that wants to learn about the result of the operation, i.e., whether it was successful.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either of the coordinates is outside of the allowed range (0.0, 1.0)
        See Also:
      • getLastSpokenTime

        java.util.Date getLastSpokenTime()
        Returns time when the participant spoke last time.
        date and time value.
      • getLowerHandCapability

        Capability getLowerHandCapability()
        Returns whether local user can lower a raised hand on the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support raise hand feature, or if the local user does not have permission to lower another participant's hand. Lower participant hand capability is not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getLowerHandAndUnmuteAudioCapability

        Capability getLowerHandAndUnmuteAudioCapability()
        Returns whether local user can lower participant's hand and unmute audio. This capability is Allowed if all of the following are true:
        • The conference call supports raise hand feature.
        • The local user has permission to lower another participant's hand.
        • Participant's hand is raised.
        • Participant's audio is muted by moderator.
        Conference moderation features are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See getLowerHandCapability()
        Capability information.
      • getMuteAudioCapability

        Capability getMuteAudioCapability()
        Returns whether local user can mute a selected participant's audio. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support muting of selected participant, or if the local user does not have permission to mute another participant on the call.
        capability information.
      • getCameraRemoteControlCapability

        Capability getCameraRemoteControlCapability()
        Capability info indicating whether local user can control the participant's camera. Typically, a conference room system's camera is remotely controllable, where position/tilt/zoom (PTZ) of the camera can be controlled programmatically. The capability returns not supported if the participant does not have a remote controllable camera.
        capability information.
      • getUnmuteAudioCapability

        Capability getUnmuteAudioCapability()
        Returns whether local user can unmute a selected participant's audio. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support unmuting of selected participant, or if the local user does not have permission to unmute another participant on the call.
        capability information.
      • getBlockVideoCapability

        Capability getBlockVideoCapability()
        Returns whether local user can block a selected participant's video. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support control of another participant's video, or if the local user does not have permission to block another participant's video on the call. Conference video capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getUnblockVideoCapability

        Capability getUnblockVideoCapability()
        Returns whether local user can unblock a selected participant's video. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support control of another participant's video, or if the local user does not have permission to unblock another participant's video on the call. Conference video capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getAssignAsModeratorCapability

        Capability getAssignAsModeratorCapability()
        Returns whether local user can change a selected participant's role to be a moderator on the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not not have permission to change another participant's role on the call. Conference moderation capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getAssignAsPresenterCapability

        Capability getAssignAsPresenterCapability()
        Returns whether local user can change a selected participant's role to be a presenter on the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support control of another participant's role, or if the local user does not have permission to change another participant's role on the call. Conference moderation capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getUnassignAsPresenterCapability

        Capability getUnassignAsPresenterCapability()
        Returns whether local user can change a selected participant's role to be a participant on the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support control of another participant's role, or if the local user does not have permission to change another participant's role on the call. Conference moderation capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getUnassignAsLecturerCapability

        Capability getUnassignAsLecturerCapability()
        Returns whether local user can change a selected participant's role to be a lecturer on the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support control of another participant's role, or if the local user does not have permission to change another participant's role on the call. Conference moderation capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getAssignAsLecturerCapability

        Capability getAssignAsLecturerCapability()
        Returns whether local user can change a selected participant's role to be a lecturer on the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support control of another participant's role, or if the local user does not have permission to change another participant's role on the call. Conference moderation capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        capability information.
      • getInConferencePrivateChatCapability

        Capability getInConferencePrivateChatCapability()
        Returns whether the user supports private chat in conference.
        capability information.
      • getVideoPinCapability

        Capability getVideoPinCapability()
        Returns whether the local user can pin current participant's video in a specific position of the current video layout. This capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support video pinning, or video pin requests. Conference video capabilities are not supported when the client is used in shared control mode. See SharedControlService
        Pin video capability information.
        See Also:
        pinVideo(float, float, CallCompletionHandler)
      • getEntryTime

        java.util.Date getEntryTime()
        Returns participant's entry time to the conference.
        date and time value.