Interface ConferenceListener

    • Method Detail

      • onConferenceWaitingToStart

        void onConferenceWaitingToStart​(Conference conference)
        Called to report that the conference has not started, and the local user is waiting for the conference to start. At this point, the conference server may provide wait treatment to the end user, e.g., by playing music and/or displaying a still video image. This information is reported based on an indication received from the conference server and may not be provided depending on the server's capabilities.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
      • onConferenceStarted

        void onConferenceStarted​(Conference conference)
        Called to report that the conference has started. Called only when onConferenceWaitingToStart() is previously called.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
      • onConferenceCapabilitiesChanged

        void onConferenceCapabilitiesChanged​(Conference conference)
        Called to report a change in conference call's capabilities. The listener can query the Conference object to find out about the capability that changed. Usually, the capabilities changed notification is tied to the features supported by the conference server as well as the local user's role (e.g., moderator, presenter, lecturer, etc.) for the conference call.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
      • onConferenceParticipantsChanged

        void onConferenceParticipantsChanged​(Conference conference,
                                             DataCollectionChangeType changeType,
                                             java.util.List<ActiveParticipant> participants)
        Called to report a change in conference call's participant list.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        changeType - Indicates the type of change that occurred on the participant list.
        participants - The participants that have changed. Note that for a change type of COLLECTION_CLEARED this list will be empty.
        See Also:
      • onConferenceDroppedParticipantsChanged

        void onConferenceDroppedParticipantsChanged​(Conference conference,
                                                    DataCollectionChangeType changeType,
                                                    java.util.List<DroppedParticipant> participants)
        Called to report a change in conference call's dropped participant list.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        changeType - Indicates the type of change that occurred on the dropped participant list.
        participants - The participants that have changed. Note that for a change type of COLLECTION_CLEARED this list will be empty.
        See Also:
        Conference.getDroppedParticipants(), ChangeType
      • onConferencePendingParticipantsChanged

        void onConferencePendingParticipantsChanged​(Conference conference,
                                                    DataCollectionChangeType changeType,
                                                    java.util.List<PendingParticipant> participants)
        Called to report a change in conference call's pending participant list.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        changeType - Indicates the type of change that occurred on the pending participant list.
        participants - The participants that have changed. Note that for a change type of COLLECTION_CLEARED this list will be empty.
        See Also:
        Conference.getPendingParticipants(), ChangeType
      • onConferenceActiveTalkersChanged

        void onConferenceActiveTalkersChanged​(Conference conference,
                                              DataCollectionChangeType changeType,
                                              java.util.List<ActiveParticipant> participants)
        Called to report a change in conference call's active talker list.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        changeType - Indicates the type of change that occurred on the active talker list.
        participants - The participants that have changed. Note that for a change type of COLLECTION_CLEARED this list will be empty.
        See Also:
        Conference.getActiveTalkers(), ChangeType
      • onConferenceRecentTalkersChanged

        void onConferenceRecentTalkersChanged​(Conference conference,
                                              DataCollectionChangeType changeType,
                                              java.util.List<ActiveParticipant> participants)
        Called to report a change in conference call's recent talkers list.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        changeType - Indicates the type of change that occurred on the recent talkers list.
        participants - The participants that have changed. Note that for a change type of COLLECTION_CLEARED this list will be empty.
        See Also:
        Conference.getRecentTalkers(), ChangeType
      • onConferenceEncryptionStatusChanged

        void onConferenceEncryptionStatusChanged​(Conference conference,
                                                 ConferenceEncryptionStatus encryptionStatus)
        Called to report that the conference's encryption status has changed based on the encryption status of current participants on the call.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        encryptionStatus - New encryption status of the call.
        See Also:
      • onConferenceStreamingStatusChanged

        void onConferenceStreamingStatusChanged​(Conference conference,
                                                ConferenceStreamingStatus streamingStatus)
        Called to report that the conference's streaming status has changed.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        streamingStatus - New streaming status of the call.
        See Also:
      • onConferenceSubjectChanged

        void onConferenceSubjectChanged​(Conference conference,
                                        java.lang.String conferenceSubject)
        Called to report that the conference's subject/title has changed.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        conferenceSubject - New subject of the conference call.
      • onConferenceBrandNameChanged

        void onConferenceBrandNameChanged​(Conference conference,
                                          java.lang.String conferenceBrandName)
        Called to report that the conference's brand name has changed. The brand name is the product family brand name associated with the conference system.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        conferenceBrandName - New brand name of the conference call.
      • onConferenceAlwaysDisplayActiveSpeakerVideoChanged

        void onConferenceAlwaysDisplayActiveSpeakerVideoChanged​(Conference conference,
                                                                boolean alwaysDisplayActiveSpeakerVideo)
        Reports that the option that controls display of the active speaker's video has changed.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        alwaysDisplayActiveSpeakerVideo - New status of the active speaker's video display setting.
        See Also:
      • onConferenceAvailableVideoLayoutsChanged

        void onConferenceAvailableVideoLayoutsChanged​(Conference conference,
                                                      VideoLayout[] layouts)
        Reports that the list of available video layouts supported by the conference server has changed.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        layouts - New list of available video layouts.
        See Also:
      • onConferencePasscodeRequired

        void onConferencePasscodeRequired​(Conference conference,
                                          boolean permissionToEnterLockedConferenceRequired)
        Called to report that the user needs to provide admission passcode before (s)he can be admitted to the conference call. Upon receiving this event, the client application should prompt user for the conference admission passcode. If user chooses to enter the conference room, the client application needs to call Conference.sendPasscode(String,, after collecting the passcode from the end user. If user chooses not to enter the conference room, the client application needs to call Call.end() to end the connection to the conference call.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        permissionToEnterLockedConferenceRequired - If set to true, it means that the conference room is locked and passcode is required to get in. If set to false, it means that the conference room is not locked, but passcode is required to get in.
      • onConferencePermissionToEnterLockedConferenceRequired

        void onConferencePermissionToEnterLockedConferenceRequired​(Conference conference)
        Called to report that the user is trying to join a locked conference call that does not require a passcode for entry. If the user chooses to request permission from the moderator to enter the call, the application should call Conference.sendRequestToEnterLockedConference( If the user chooses not to request permission, the application should Call.end() to end the connection to the conference call. It should be noted that a locked conference call may also require admission passcode. In this case, onConferencePasscodeRequired(Conference, boolean) is called with permissionToEnterLockedConferenceRequired set to true.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
      • onConferenceServiceAvailable

        void onConferenceServiceAvailable​(Conference conference)
        Called to report that the conference has a healthy signaling path. Depending on the network topology, the call session and the conference controls may share the same signaling connection (e.g., SIP and tunnel CCMP), or may use different connections. This is why separate service available/unavailable callback is provided for the Conference object.
        conference - The conference that the callback is associated with.
      • onConferenceServiceUnavailable

        void onConferenceServiceUnavailable​(Conference conference,
                                            ConferenceConnectionError error)
        Called to report that the conference does not have a healthy signaling path. Depending on the network topology, the call session and the conference controls may share the same signaling connection (e.g., SIP and tunnel CCMP), or may use different connections. This is why separate service available/unavailable callback is provided for the Conference object.
        conference - The conference that the callback is associated with.
        error - Current conference connection error.
      • onConferenceExternalAdmissionStatusChanged

        void onConferenceExternalAdmissionStatusChanged​(Conference conference,
                                                        boolean bIsRequired)
        Called to report that the external admission status for the current conference call has changed.
        conference - The conference that the callback is associated with.
        bIsRequired - Current conference's external admission status.
      • onEventConferenceStatusChanged

        void onEventConferenceStatusChanged​(Conference conference,
                                            boolean eventConference)
        Called to report that the conference's type has been changed. Event conference is a large meeting (up to 2000 active participants) which is mainly used for large events and training.
        conference - The conference object that the callback is associated with.
        eventConference - True if conference type changed to Event type. False - changed to Regular.
        See Also: