Interface CallLogItem

  • public interface CallLogItem
    Represents information about a call log item. Each call record is represented by CallLogItem object that provides several attributes such as call start time, remote address, call duration, etc. In addition, each CallLogItem may be associated with a Contact object which may be used to provide picture caller ID or a customized name for the remote party of a call log item.
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalUserName

        java.lang.String getLocalUserName()
        local user's identity.
      • getLineAppearanceOwner

        java.lang.String getLineAppearanceOwner()
        Extension of the call owner for bridged line appearances cases.
      • getRemoteParticipants

        java.util.List<CallLogParticipant> getRemoteParticipants()
        collection of participants for this call log item. This list represents those addresses/endpoints/users participated in this segment of the call, and does not represent the union of all users who participated in this call. The local user may have conversed with those RemoteParticipants listed in getCallEvents() records.
      • getConferenceRemoteParticipants

        java.util.List<CallLogParticipant> getConferenceRemoteParticipants()
        If this call log was, at any time during the call, a conference, this property represents those participants who were in that conference leg of the call. Conference remote participants represents a subset of all remote participants in all CallLogItems represented in CallEvents as well as those in the top level CallLogItem.
        conference participants
      • getSubject

        java.lang.String getSubject()
        Call subject for this call log item. Call subject can be set by the client to get the context of the call. For example the client can set a call subject for the call from the IM window and the CallLogItem will reflect that. Call subject can also be obtained from a conference.
        The subject for this call log item.
      • getStartTime

        java.util.Date getStartTime()
        The call start time (UTC).
        the call start time.
      • getEndTime

        java.util.Date getEndTime()
        The call end time (UTC).
        the call end time.
      • getDurationInSeconds

        long getDurationInSeconds()
        duration of the first leg of the call in seconds.
      • getTotalCallDurationInSeconds

        long getTotalCallDurationInSeconds()
        Duration of established call on answer. If the call is not answered then Total duration shows full call duration from the first ring.
        total duration of the call in seconds.
      • getCallLogSource

        CallLogSourceType getCallLogSource()
        the media source type for this call log item (ie. Video, Voice or IM etc).
      • getCallLogAction

        CallLogActionType getCallLogAction()
        action type that generated this call log item (ie. Answered or Outgoing etc).
      • isConference

        boolean isConference()
        Indicates if the first leg of the call was a conference type.
      • wasCallAConference

        boolean wasCallAConference()
        Indicates if the call was ever a conference in its life cycle.
      • isIgnored

        boolean isIgnored()
        Indicates if the call was ignored by the local user.
      • getRemoteNumber

        java.lang.String getRemoteNumber()
        remote number to be used to redial this call, and it represents the address (phone number) to the far end in the call. This value does not imply the call will be completed in all cases.
      • isCallerIdPrivate

        boolean isCallerIdPrivate()
        This property does not provide a mechanism to enforce redial disablement. The property value only provides a guideline for the client behavior.
        Indicates if a remote party requested the call id to be private.
      • isRemote

        boolean isRemote()
        Indicates if the call record is created for the remote call.
      • getRedialCapability

        Capability getRedialCapability()
        Currently, this capability has a 1:1 mapping to isCallerIdPrivate(). The capability value of Allowed == true does not imply that the remote number reported in this CallLogItem will always result in the call being completed.

        The return value for this method only indicates whether or not an attempt can be made to redial this log entry. Ultimately, whether or not redial attempts will be successful depends on the ability for the voice network to route the call successfully. This can only by determined by an actual attempt to place the call.

        indicates if this call log item can be used to redial the remote number.
      • getProperties

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getProperties()
        NOTE: This is a place holder for future generic name/value pair properties.
        map of key/value pair for any additional generic properties for this call log item.
      • getCallEvents

        java.util.List<CallLogItem> getCallEvents()

        A CallLogItem (i.e. instance of this class) provides a wholistic view of individual transactions that took place during the lifecycle of a call.

        After answering an incoming call or a dial out to a remote user, the call can get transferred (i.e. remote address is changed in the same call dialog) or redirected/forwarded to a different number/user. These transactions will be captured in the CallEvents list. Each event in CallEvents list contains the full detail of a CallLogItem.

        Note that the CallLogItem represents the details of the first leg of the call and entries in CallEvents list represent subsequent call transactions. For example, if a call was made from user A to B, and then user B transferred user A to user C, then CallLogItem will represent the initial call leg between A and B, and the 1 CallEvents item will represent the transferred call leg between A and C. These 2 call legs make up the one call experienced by user A.

        collection of call events recorded for this call log.
      • getCallType

        CallType getCallType()
        the call type of this call log item.
      • getPortalURL

        java.lang.String getPortalURL()
        the URL of the Unified Portal Server (MeetMe call type only).
      • getConferenceId

        java.lang.String getConferenceId()
        the Virtual Room id of the conference call.
      • getConferencePasscode

        java.lang.String getConferencePasscode()
        the conference passcode used to join the conference call.
      • getVirtualRoomName

        java.lang.String getVirtualRoomName()
        the name of the Virtual Room.
      • getIsPresentationOnlyMode

        boolean getIsPresentationOnlyMode()
        true if the call was created in presentation only mode.
      • getCallCount

        int getCallCount()
        count indicating the total number of calls of a particular ActionType(i.e Missed/Outgoing/Incoming)
      • getHuntGroupName

        java.lang.String getHuntGroupName()
        the hunt group name
      • getHuntGroupNumber

        java.lang.String getHuntGroupNumber()
        the hunt group number
      • getTag

        java.lang.String getTag()
        the tag of the call log item
      • getInstanceId

        int getInstanceId()
        the unique number associated with each call record item assigned by server. For the local call logs, default value will be 0
      • getVectorDirectoryNumberName

        java.lang.String getVectorDirectoryNumberName()
        VDN name for the call. Empty string if value not provided.
      • isAutomaticCallDistributionCall

        boolean isAutomaticCallDistributionCall()
        true if the call sent from from Vector (Automatic Call Distribution).
      • getSupervisorCallType

        SupervisorCallType getSupervisorCallType()
        enum indicating supervisor call type.