Interface WhiteboardListener

    • Method Detail

      • onWhiteboardStarted

        void onWhiteboardStarted​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                 WhiteboardSurface surface,
                                 Participant participant)
        Reports that a white board session is started as the active session.
        whiteboard - whiteboard instance that is started.
        surface - whiteboard page.
        participant - participant who started whiteboard.
      • onWhiteboardStartFailed

        void onWhiteboardStartFailed​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                     CollaborationFailure failure)
        Reports that starting a whiteboard instance has failed.
        whiteboard - which failed to start.
        failure - failure reason.
      • onWhiteboardEnded

        void onWhiteboardEnded​(Whiteboard whiteboard)
        Reports that a white board session is ended. The contents of this white board session are completely deleted.
        whiteboard - whiteboard instance that is ended.
      • onWhiteboardEndFailed

        void onWhiteboardEndFailed​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                   CollaborationFailure failure)
        Reports that ending a whiteboard instance has failed.
        whiteboard - which failed to end.
        failure - CollaborationFailure failure reason.
      • onWhiteboardSurfaceAdded

        void onWhiteboardSurfaceAdded​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                      WhiteboardSurface surface,
                                      Participant participant)
        Reports that a new WhiteboardSurface whiteboard page has been added to an existing whiteboard
        whiteboard - existing whiteboard object.
        surface - new page.
        participant - participant who added new page.
      • onWhiteboardSurfaceAddFailed

        void onWhiteboardSurfaceAddFailed​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                          CollaborationFailure failure)
        Reports that a new WhiteboardSurface whiteboard page has failed to be added to an existing whiteboard
        whiteboard - existing whiteboard object.
        failure - failure reason.
      • onWhiteboardSurfaceSetActive

        void onWhiteboardSurfaceSetActive​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                          WhiteboardSurface surface,
                                          Participant participant)
        Reports that some participant from collaboration sets an active whiteboard page.
        whiteboard - existing whiteboard object.
        surface - active page.
        participant - participant who set active page.
      • onWhiteboardSurfaceSetActiveFailed

        void onWhiteboardSurfaceSetActiveFailed​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                                WhiteboardSurface surface,
                                                CollaborationFailure failure)
        Reports that some participant from collaboration sets an active whiteboard page but it's failed to become active.
        whiteboard - existing whiteboard object.
        surface - page which failed to become active.
        failure - failure reason.
      • onWhiteboardSurfaceRemoved

        void onWhiteboardSurfaceRemoved​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                        WhiteboardSurface surface,
                                        Participant participant)
        Reports that some participant from collaboration has removed a WhiteboardSurface whiteboard page.
        whiteboard - existing whiteboard object.
        surface - new page which is removed.
        participant - participant who removed page.
      • onWhiteboardSurfaceRemoveFailed

        void onWhiteboardSurfaceRemoveFailed​(Whiteboard whiteboard,
                                             WhiteboardSurface surface,
                                             CollaborationFailure failure)
        Reports that some participant from collaboration has tried to remove a WhiteboardSurface whiteboard page but it's failed to remove.
        whiteboard - existing whiteboard object.
        surface - new page which is failed to remove.
        failure - failure reason.