Interface ContactService

  • public interface ContactService
    The ContactService object is accessible from the User object, and it provides access to functionality associated with contacts.

    The ContactService object provides a set of APIs that allow application developers to manage a user's contacts and perform searches for other users. In general, the capabilities and the set of allowed operations are dependent on the state of the contact related servers and services.

    The client application is notified about status updates reported by the contact services through listener that the application has added to the ContactService object. These updates may be the result of local operations on the ContactService object as well as remote changes initiated by either the service/server or other users.

    In order to retrieve a list of contacts, call getContacts(DataRetrievalWatcher, ContactSourceType) method. This should be done after ContactServiceListener.onContactServiceAvailable(ContactService) was called.

    • Method Detail

      • isServiceAvailable

        boolean isServiceAvailable()
        Returns true if the Contact service is available.
        true if the Contact service is available.
      • getContacts

        void getContacts​(DataRetrievalWatcher<Contact> watcher,
                         ContactSourceType contactSourceType)
        Get the contact list from the given source.
        watcher - A DataRetrievalWatcher object, created by the application, to track the progress of the requested contact retrieval. Prior to calling this method, the application should have installed a DataRetrievalWatcherListener on the watcher object to receive notifications on the progress of the retrieval.
        contactSourceType - The type of contacts to retrieve.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The watcher argument was null.
      • deleteContact

        void deleteContact​(Contact contact,
                           ContactCompletionHandler completionHandler)
        Deletes an existing contact.

        Note that there can be only one request for each EditableContact at the same time. Before the operation will return a result, all subsequent attempts ro remove or retrieve picture for this contact will result in instant failure and according error code.

        contact - The contact to be deleted.
        completionHandler - The completion handler for this operation.
        See Also:
      • searchContacts

        void searchContacts​(DataRetrievalWatcher<Contact> watcher,
                            java.lang.String searchString,
                            ContactSearchScopeType searchScope,
                            ContactSearchLocationType searchLocation,
                            int maxResults,
                            int maxChunkSize)
        Search for the contacts with given request parameters. There can be only one search in progress with a particular string. If such a search already exists, a new one won't be started.
        watcher - A DataRetrievalWatcher object, created by the application, to track the progress of the requested operation. Prior to calling this method, the application should have installed a DataRetrievalWatcherListener on the watcher object to receive notifications on the progress of the retrieval.
        searchString - The search string, can be first name, last name, phone number.
        searchScope - Identifies which field or fields to search in. Specify appropriate ContactSearchScopeType
        searchLocation - Determines which contacts will be searched.
        maxResults - The maximum number of results to return.
        maxChunkSize - The number of results to return in each update from the server.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The watcher argument was null.
        See Also:
      • getAddContactCapability

        Capability getAddContactCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports adding contacts.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports adding contacts.
      • getNetworkSearchContactCapability

        Capability getNetworkSearchContactCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports searching contacts.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports searching contacts.
      • getNetworkSearchTerminalCapability

        Capability getNetworkSearchTerminalCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports searching terminals.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports searching terminals.
      • getNetworkContactSearchByNameCapability

        Capability getNetworkContactSearchByNameCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact search by name.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact search by name.
      • getNetworkContactSearchByLocationCapability

        Capability getNetworkContactSearchByLocationCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact search by location.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact search by location.
      • getNetworkContactSearchByDepartmentCapability

        Capability getNetworkContactSearchByDepartmentCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact search by department.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact search by department.
      • getFavoriteContactsCapability

        Capability getFavoriteContactsCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports favorite contacts.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports favorite contacts.
      • getCreateContactGroupCapability

        Capability getCreateContactGroupCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact groups creation.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact groups creation.
      • getDeleteContactGroupCapability

        Capability getDeleteContactGroupCapability()
        Returns Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact groups removal.
        Capability object describing whether the Contact service supports contact groups removal.
      • getMaxContactGroupNameLength

        long getMaxContactGroupNameLength()
        Returns maximum contact group name length
        maximum contact group name length
      • getMaxNumberOfContactGroups

        long getMaxNumberOfContactGroups()
        Returns maximum number of contact groups
        maximum number of contact groups
      • getMaxNumberOfContactsPerGroup

        long getMaxNumberOfContactsPerGroup()
        Returns maximum number of contacts per group
        maximum number of contacts per group
      • isContactGroupsSupported

        boolean isContactGroupsSupported()
        Returns true if the Contact service supports Contacts Groups functionality.
        true if the Contact service supports Contacts Groups functionality.
      • isExtendedContactDetailsAvailable

        boolean isExtendedContactDetailsAvailable()
        Returns true if provider with ExtendedDetailsCapability is configured. Provider with this capability supports more fields for contacts.
        true if provider with ExtendedDetailsCapability is configured. Provider with this capability supports more fields for contacts.
      • isExtendedContactDetailsAvailableForContact

        boolean isExtendedContactDetailsAvailableForContact​(BaseContact baseContact)
        Returns true if BaseContact has extended details available. This means contact supports more fields.
        baseContact - The contact to check for.
        True if contact has extended details available.
      • getSupportedPhoneNumberTypes

        java.util.Set<ContactPhoneNumberType> getSupportedPhoneNumberTypes()
        THIS METHOD WILL BE REMOVED IN RELEASE VERSION 3.3. it is recommended to use getContactLimits().
        Returns Set of supported by current provider phone number types
        The Set of supported ContactPhoneNumberType
      • getSelfContact

        void getSelfContact​(GetSelfContactCompletionHandler completionHandler)
        Gets the contact information for the currently logged-in user.

        It is possible for no contact record to be found for the current user. In this case the application should fall back to other methods for retrieving or displaying contact information for the current user.

        completionHandler - The completion handler for this operation. Operation success or failure is reported through this handler.
        See Also:
        ContactServiceListener.onContactServiceSelfContactUpdated(ContactService, Contact)
      • getMatchingContactForDirectoryContact

        Contact getMatchingContactForDirectoryContact​(Contact contact)
        Get matching contact (from cache) to the one from search results. Returns null if contact is not found.
        contact - the contact received from search.
        matching contact (from cache) to the one from search results or null if contact is not found
      • getContactLimits

        ContactLimits getContactLimits()
        Provides supported limits for the current enterprise contact provider.
        supported limits for the current enterprise contact provider.
      • resolveContacts

        void resolveContacts​(ResolveContactsRequest request)
        Search for the contacts with given request parameters. There can be only one search in progress with a particular string. If such a search already exists, a new one won't be started. During the search onCollectionChanged and onRetrievalFailed callbacks may be triggered multiple times if there are multiple search locations. The search is complete when the onRetrievalCompleted callback is triggered on watcher.
        request - object, encapsulates Resolve Contacts search request. Contains search strings, searching scope and source.
        See Also:
      • searchTerminals

        void searchTerminals​(DataRetrievalWatcher<Terminal> watcher,
                             SearchTerminalsRequest request)
        Search for the terminals with given request parameters. There can be only one search in progress with a particular request. If such a search already exists, a new one won't be started.
        watcher - A DataRetrievalWatcher object, created by the application, to track the progress of the requested operation. Prior to calling this method, the application should have installed a DataRetrievalWatcherListener on the watcher object to receive notifications on the progress of the retrieval.
        request - A SearchTerminalsRequest object containing search parameters.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The watcher argument was null.
        See Also:
      • searchContacts

        void searchContacts​(DataRetrievalWatcher<Contact> watcher,
                            ContactSearchRequest request)
        Extended search for the contacts with given request parameters.
        watcher - A DataRetrievalWatcher object, created by the application, to track the progress of the requested operation. Prior to calling this method, the application should have installed a DataRetrievalWatcherListener on the watcher object to receive notifications on the progress of the retrieval.
        request - A ContactSearchRequest object containing search parameters. A onRetrievalFailed(INVALID_SEARCH_REQUEST) will be notified for null request.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The watcher argument was null.
      • createContactGroup

        void createContactGroup​(java.lang.String groupName,
                                java.util.Collection<Contact> groupMembers,
                                CreateContactGroupCompletionHandler completionHandler)
        Creates a Contact Group with specified group name and group members. Group members can be ommited. In this case Contact Service creates Contact Group with empty list of contacts.
        groupName - Unique name of the group. Group name length is limited by the server. There are some characters not allowed to be present in group name (< > , ").
        groupMembers - Collection of contacts to add into a group during creation.
        completionHandler - The completion handler for this operation.
      • deleteContactGroup

        void deleteContactGroup​(ContactGroup group,
                                ContactCompletionHandler completionHandler)
        Deletes Contact Group.
        group - Group of contacts for removal.
        completionHandler - The completion handler for this operation.
      • getContactGroups

        void getContactGroups​(DataRetrievalWatcher<ContactGroup> watcher)
        watcher - A DataRetrievalWatcher object, created by the application, to track the progress of the requested operation. Prior to calling this method, the application should have installed a DataRetrievalWatcherListener on the watcher object to receive notifications on the progress of the retrieval.