Interface SearchConversation

    • Method Detail

      • getBaseConversation

        Conversation getBaseConversation()
        Returns reference to the conversation object corresponding to this search conversation. If the underlying conversation is active and exists on the conversations list returned reference will point to the same object that exists on the conversations list.
        reference to the conversation object corresponding to this search conversation.
      • getSearchMessages

        void getSearchMessages​(DataRetrievalWatcher<Message> dataRetrievalWatcher)
        Gets a list of the messages contained in this conversation. This list represents all messages which have been, or are being, downloaded. This is not necessarily the entire historical message content of the conversation.
        dataRetrievalWatcher - DataRetrievalWatcher object, created by the application, to track the progress of the requested operation.
      • getUniqueId

        java.lang.String getUniqueId()
        Returns the unique search conversation identifier.
        the unique search conversation identifier.